Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Cat Is Starting To Fall Out

When I started blogging in this site two weeks ago, the way I spent my day has changed. I have been very excited to start my day and at the end of it, it feels good to reminisce everything (especially the good ones but there were still awful ones), like what I am doing right now.


Even though I woke up as early as 5:00 this morning, I was still late for my 8:00am target to arrive at the office. Instead, I came 8:45am. I found myself trapped watching ESPN show while eating my breakfast alone (Tatay was not feeling well due to his stomach pain from last night, I ask him not to prepare anything for me this morning and just have a rest). The show was an Australian Dog Competition and the dogs were all amazing. You could see them jump as long as 29 meters on the pool, racing on an intricately designed obstacle course, and a lot of running competition events. The dogs were so gorgeous and smart. It was so amazing that no dog was destructed by the people watching and cheering over them. One owner was crying while being interviewed by one of the hosts because of happiness and being so proud of his winning black Labrador. By the way, the competition was sponsored by Purina.


At the office, we had a free food for lunch, courtesy of Flooney. We only provided the rice, drinks and our own utensils. Flooney’s family celebrated their town fiesta yesterday and she brought Menudo, Pork Steak, and some sweets. Mr. Shadow, Jewel and Snowbell joined us over lunch at the east campus (they came all the way from west campus). We had some good laughs again while recalling some old funny experiences and good memories.


Earlier this afternoon was the schedule of the Lantern Parade made by the different offices of our company. Our office's lantern was made by used cables, cartons, and disks courtesy of the Technical Personnel headed by Henry Boy. Raed was also part of the working committee and they even rendered overtime last night just to have the unique lantern ready for the parade. It was a “belen” – a bahay kubo which depicts where the place Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus. The funny thing was that among the offices who joined the parade, our office was the only one who brought a UPS (uninterrupted power supply) in order for the lights decoration to be lighted while on the parade (with matching speakers playing the mp3 of “Jingle Bells”:D)


But here is the awful one, I got disappointed again with Mr. V because we were about to meet tonight but I just received a message from him while I was on my way to SM City that his violin class was cancelled so he won’t be going to SM City tonight. I don’t know, but as soon as I read the message, I felt really angry and disappointed. Not the usual reaction I gave when he started doing hurtful things to me. Am I starting to fall out? Am I already tired of just accepting everything without seeing any proof of his sincerity? Maybe I am just disappointed up until now while writing this blog entry. I am even seeing him online right now at Windows Live Messenger! Maybe I am disappointed to know that he doesn’t really want to see me anyway and upsets me even more knowing that I bought him that damn neck pillow last night! Before, I would just say to myself and accept that he just can’t do something that he promised because of some reasons. But he is just proving to me now that we are OVER and some good things NEVER really last.


I am eating French Baker Supreme Pizza for dinner because Tatay wasn't able to cook dinner for the two of us. So I ordered two slices and I am so full right now.


I am so excited what's going to happen tomorrow. It is December 5, 2007 - a day away from BettyB's birthday!