Saturday, November 29, 2008

Divisoria Adventure II

I got a very busy, hectic and tipid mode week -- turned out to be a great week! Sana hindi na matapos. ^_^


Since last month, I had to cut my budget because I had to spend some money for our house renovation. I will welcome two more families next month. I want them to feel they are really back at H-O-M-E. Raed and I went last Saturday to Divisoria (the mother of all tiangge’s), and instead of buying goodies for myself, I ended up spending for house decorations. Mas nakatipid ako kung i-cocompare ko sa prices sa SM.


Sowbrang daming tao!


Thanks Raed for this bag. She brought this so we won’t have to buy new ones.


Aside from our shopping, Raed and I also got a chance to talk about what’s new to her… what’s new to me…, and I also got to squeeze out from her some of the hottest tsismis (although bilasa na sa kanila, sa akin smokin’ hot kasi nun ko pa lang nalaman hehehe) in my previous work.


And so I ended up missing the good old days again. :’(

Di bale, I’ll get to see most of them on Sunday at Snowbell’s party.

Thanks Raed for the company, I couldn’t get there without you. Hehehe.

I also did enjoy lifting 20 yards of slipcover fabric (approx weighing 10 kilos) hehehe. We shared the load.

The rain did add up to fun! ^_^