Sunday, September 27, 2009

We Survived the Flood


I slept the whole day yesterday because of the bad weather -- non stop raining since the other day and windy. I didn’t know I was just preparing for the flooding later. This was actually the second time we were flooded during our stay in this house. The first one was in 2001 where the Prinsa dam in Molino, Bacoor had to be opened because of too much rains and high tide as well. Jelly was 4 years old then.



Three o’clock in the afternoon. Jellypotpot woke me up after the blackout. My laptop was already running out of battery and I had to shut it down. I was very much comfortable lying on the bed, ang ginaw, ang sarap talaga matulog, then I closed my eyes again.


Four thirty in the afternoon. Jellypotpot woke me up again, but this time when I opened my eyes, it was darker and raining still.


Five o’clock in the afternoon. Daddydems and I ate dinner, just after our LPG run out of gas. What? No power, no gas, no food stock. Oh boy, what else could I ask for? Another thing to worry about was the flood. We noticed that water was slowly going up. First, at the front of our house, then in few minutes, the water was actually half way on our doorstep! It was like déjàvu!


Five thirty in the afternoon. We started moving things up somewhere elevated like on the table and on the bed. One of the first things on my mind was the living room. If the water would continue to go up, the living room would be the first to be flooded and I was right. Two of our monoblock tables outside were moved inside and the sofa sets were place one of them. The component, speakers, VCD and DVD were placed on the other table. The TV rack and the divider were not saved from the flood. During this time, the water was already inside the sala. While Daddydemz and Kuya Joel were taking care of the living room and the kitchen, Jellypotpot and I took care of two other rooms.


Six o’clock up to eight o’clock in the evening. For two hours, we were so scared and painstakingly waiting when the water would stop to get in. It was very dark outside, the only light I see was the candle in the kitchen. I didn’t even know where Putol stayed. At that point, I could only wish that everyone in the village was safe.


Eight quarter in the evening. The rain stopped, the water has also stopped from rising and airplanes were already flying over us one by one, from which I could tell that the storm had already passed. Although the power was still off, all of us were relieved that everything was over except for all the mess left by the flood!


I don’t know what worse could have happened if Jellypotpot and Kuya Joel did not help us saved our things. Thank you!


To those who texted me yesterday and asked how I was doing, thank you so much. Sorry I wasn’t able to reply back because my battery died.


We finished cleaning the floor and moving this back at Sunday lunch time, but no power yet.


Earlier today, I was so touched when my Project Managers, Ms. Roma and Sir Teddy, called me to check how were we doing after the typhoon and flooding. And I also heard the bad news that both of them were flooded too.


As I write this, my hair is so sticky, my skin is greasy and I don’t know when I could take a bath! Ewwwww.