Saturday, May 10, 2008


"The important thing is not to be bitter over difficulties...
Learn to let go of the past and recognize that everyday won't be sunny...
And when you find yourself lost in darkness and despair...
REMEMBER... it's only in the black of night that you can see the stars...
and those stars will lead you back home...
So don't be afraid to make mistakes to stumble, to fall...
Because most of the time the greatest rewards...
come from doing the things that scare you the most."

"Find a guy who'll kiss you just before the traffic light turns green...
Who close his eyes when he hugs you...
Who'll patiently wait for you after work...
Who'll smell your hair every chance he gets...
Who'll wipe your sweat with his hanky...
Who'll sing your favorite song even if he can't carry a tune...
Who lets you rest over his shoulder...
Who lets you sleep on his lap...
Who'll give you the 1st and last bite on his burger...
Who'll squeeze your hand tighter when you squeeze his...
Find someone who occupies your dream every night....
And when you find him... never LET GO...


"A sense of purpose is the best driving force to live.
Coz when you have a reason to live, you will never have a reason to quit."


"Stop worrying about what if's...
Things will happen if they are meant to happen.
Feel the fear.
But face it anyway."


"Not every seemingly good thing is good for us.
Not every beautiful thing is right.
Not all relationships are worth keeping.
Nor every person you love is worth it.
So when you lose something or somebody.
Maybe you are not meant to keep them.
Or maybe, you are not for them to keep."


"When two people wanted to be together,
It means they love each other but when two people wanted to be "Just friends".
It because they're too much in love with each other that theres no need for a commitment to stay close!"


"Life is a constant change.
Love is the greatest surprise.
Friendship is your best defense.
Maturity comes with responsibilities.
And death is just around the corner.
So expect a little, assume nothing,
Learn from your mistakes, listen to your heart,
Take care of your friends,
treasure your family,
Achieve your goals,
Cry because of laughter,
Laugh because of pain,
Eat your pride and throw up all hatred.

Enjoy life!"


"You can only push a girl away for so long until she walks out of your life on her own,
So be careful and make sure this is what you want because once she turns around.
She ISN'T coming back."