Showing posts with label blooddonation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blooddonation. Show all posts

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Life Saving Blood Donations



It has been my advocacy to donate blood for others. I may not know who directly benefits my blood, or if it has been used by others yet… I still feel that I have done something generously amazing.


My mother died of colon cancer twelve years ago. She has gone a lot of surgeries which needed dozens of blood transfusions. She could not have made it to be with us for six more months without the help of blood donors with AB type. The whole family is forever grateful for that.


My very first blood donation happened two years ago, in DLSU-D University Medical Center, for the benefit of my college friend’s mother-in-law, who badly needed blood for her surgery. Although I was very scared, I still managed to be calm throughout the procedure because I really wanted to make a difference. The Zesto juice drink actually did most of the calming part!!! ;-D


Last Friday, I donated blood again thorough the campaign of Philippines Red Cross. The only doubt I had in my mind was my weight because I was just a little over 50 kilos… but I still passed and according to the doctor, that was okay. The procedure lasted for 30 minutes including the resting time.



The needles were very mean for few minutes but it was worth it!!!


So I encourage all of you to have your self screened for blood donations. It will really help others and it is good for you too! To inquire, visit Philippine National Red Cross ( for more information.