Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relationship. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Centuries Ago

(You know I am a trying hard poet too! LOL)

The First Times


I almost forgot everything about OUR first times

Until I was given time to bring everything again in my mind

Things that we shared though thick and thin

All the laughs and all the grins.


I am not your first love, neither you for me

Is it matters anyway if now is here

What makes it special, I know for sure

The antonym of FIRST, it’s for you and me.


You had a journey for these past four years

According to you “…with you by my side

Each of your step, is succeeded by my step

No one can replace all those first times…


At a snap of a finger, another first time happened

A first time, I CANNOT HANDLE.


My heart is broken into billion times

Yes, another first time

I hope I can read your heart and mind

So I will know that you are just teaching mine


What makes me afraid? Now it is only YOU.

Everything that you utter, ME is omitted and WE too…

I feel so weak that everything’s uncertain for me

I am a loser; I do not want to be


You even said “…but did i take the right path

that i can never find you again. . .

Your choice seem to throw me

A choice that thorns me


I have cried and still cries because I am lost and hurt

Not because you’re falling for someone but for other grounds

I hope I have used the wrong words “you’re falling”

I really hope it is “I’ve fell”, yes “I’ve fell”


I have been there a lot of times

Even battling with myself twice as much those times

But I am still standing here, my heart belongs to you

Forever, God knows …undeniably forever.


Now I know how Love is great

To me it’s the First time it reveals itself

It is so powerful that I can scarifies everything

Just to make you come home, right just before our 5th Anniversary …