Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Vinegar Hair Rinse

Have you ever heard of using vinegar on your hair? I tried it yesterday! I brought Fried Lumpia (with suka-toyo dip) for my packed dinner so I have the most perfect excuse if my hair would smell vinegary. Hahahaha!

My hair seemed to dry out after using shampoo + condition-in-one hair products and hair colors. :-/ I was forced to cut my hair short and I didn’t like it by the way.  I used to put mayo on my hair to make it shine but it was a long process, nakakatamad talaga gawin. Then I discover vinegar rinse as alternative. It says vinegar makes the strands less dry and loses the tangling.  You could do it once or twice a week to wash out shampoo/conditioner build ups.

… 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water … Wash your hair as usual then this would be the last rinse and let it dry. If you are scared of the smell, do it on a weekend or anytime that you are just staying at home.

So how was it??

It does work!!! No tangling, and less frizzyness. About the smell, forget it – there was no smell at all when my hair dried out.

Going back to my old ways, washing my hair with regular shampoo every other day and baby shampoo in between – strictly no conditioner.

Happy combing! ;-)


Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I have no choice but to rush to the hospital with SisDoll this morning. Thanks to her, she accompanied me even if she just came from a night shift. My PhilamCare card is accredited at St. Dominic Medical Center; this is much nearer from my place compared to La Salle UMC. I had four loose bowel movements this morning unlike the previous days with only one or two.



We went first to the Billing section to use my PhilamCare card. Thanks to this benefit, I paid nothing for the examination and consultation. Good thing that the doctor was in. Thanks, Dr. Talco. We only waited for 15 minutes. The doctor asked me what was the problem and then I said, “Masakit po ang tiyan at nagtatae since last week.” She then said…


“Really? Buti buhay ka pa?”



The she asked several more questions. I learned that my case is not the “diarrhea” that I had in my mind. She said maybe it is cause by something else. She recommended that I undergo fecalysis (stool examination) to rule out Amoeba infection. She also discussed about stress, dyspepsia and gastroenteritis. Bad thing, it is in my family’s blood to have stomach problems like the things that she mentioned. NanayRose suffered from colon cancer. Both DaddyDemz and SisDoll had ulcer but they were able to change their lifestyles to maintain their good health. So it is my time to take care of myself now.




I’ve been having bad eating habits these past few months. I realized that I only eat 2 heavy meals in a day. The doctor recommended that it is better to eat light meals every two hours just to make sure that my stomach is not building a lot of acids instead of eating heavy meals in one shot for just twice. I also have this body response that I lose my appetite every time I skip even just one meal.



She advised me to eat bananas and apples. Then I remembered Bunetber’s reminder about B.R.A.T. That’s an acronym for Banana, Rice, Apple and Toast/Tea. Experts say that is one of those balanced diets that can be followed and is stomach friendly. But they also recommend to add additional proteins for this.


I am pampered today. Tatay cooked lunch and SisDoll cooked our dinner. Batotoy called on the phone from Canada asking my condition. I said I just need to rest and take all the medicines that my doctor gave me.



Hopefully tomorrow I can come to office. I need to finish a lot of work.