Saturday, February 28, 2009

You Changed My Life



We were all set to see the movie, very excited of course. Then I received a text message from my brother-in-law that SM Bacoor was on fire! Huwaaaatt!? Malas naman o? Few more minutes, we could hear the sirens of the firefighters. But it didn’t stop us to see the movie. We went straight to Mall of Asia. Hehehe.


I bought the 3:40pm schedule at the Premier Cinema and at 3:10pm, the queue was already long! Blockbuster pa din talaga. This sequel of ‘A Very Special Love’ has outdone my expectations. And teaches some life lessons too. The best talaga si papa Lloydy and ang kulit ni Sarah. <kilig><kilig><kilig>


How about you, who’s your life’s Miggy Montenegro, Or Laida Magtalas? :D Hehehe. Happy watching!

  please lang, walang kokontra


Breaking news, the fire that hit SM Bacoor started at a restaurant on the ground floor and has reached second alarm before it was put under control at around 11am. Be careful guys, March is frequent fire month here in the Philippines. Let's all be cautious.

February Is Over



Movie weekend. My wait is over. Tomorrow, I am very sure that You Changed My Life movie is going to fill up my afternoon with so much kilig! Hehehe. The theme song with the same title has been my personal anthem since December 2008 especially on our videoke nights. :D


Fine dinner. We had our dinner earlier at Mom and Tina’s Bakery CafĂ© in the corner of Perea and De La Costa St. in Makati. The place is quite homey for me. I also liked the chicken baked macaroni and blueberry cheesecake we ordered. This is still part of our ‘Pay Day Dinner Out’ gimik where we visit restaurants of our choice. We usually bring packed dinner everyday, so twice per month is good enough to spend few more bucks in a fine restaurant. Last pay day, we dined out to the newly opened North Park along L.P. Leviste St. Our next target is Terry’s, a Spanish restaurant also along L.P. Leviste St.



Sizzling summer. I got two summer outing invitations. One is a Caramoan trip and the other is yet to be discussed to me. I already confirmed my attendance in Caramoan on March 13, I heard and read a lot of good things about this place. I will be joining amateur photographers including Gems. The other invitation was from my La Salle ex officemate. I can't believe it is already the third month oh the year. Summer is really here!



Holy Sunday. I am going to attend our church special occasion on Sunday. It is time to reflect and ask forgiveness to all my sins this past year.


Monday, February 23, 2009

My Weekend


Winning the Bowling Tournament. Raed and I went home with smiles on our faces from our mini bowling tournament last Sunday at Robinson’s Place. Everyone who promised to come was present and I was the last one to arrive. As I entered the room, my little inaanaks welcomed me as they looked at the gifts I brought for them. There Tinay’s little Madie, Ate Lan’s Pauline, Ate Rina’s Gabu and Antuah’s Adriel and Aidan with their respective Daddys.


The five teams includes the 4 couples and ‘all the single ladies’ (that’s Me and Raed!) are partners :> I just stick to my slow and straight technique to hit the bowling pins using the pink ball ^_^ and it worked! We won a Jollibee blowout (what do you expect when you’re with kids?) with 207 points!






DVD’s lined up on my rack. I just started collecting original DVD’s this year and it is making me crazy. Whenever I hit Odyssey or AstroVision, I could not resist buying one. DVD’s are my savior especially when I need some time away from my work. Last night, Love Wrecked movie with Amanda Baynes made me excited about summer.





Colds almost away. I do not have to worry about sleepless nights anymore, no more sneezing and clogged nose. I think in few more days, I’ll be okay.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Things About Me

  1. I’ve been obsessed these past few weeks thinking about moving to a new house. I got very excited whenever I imagine myself decorating a new room. Maybe a bunch more of courage and reasons for me to really do this plan.

  1. Speaking of plan, the Bora trip will not push through this summer… but we still got summer forever to plan for this trip. Sagada is my next choice.

  1. I have sleepless nights since I got a bad cough and cold starting Monday. My nose got clogged on both passages especially during at night. I feel that I already mastered breathing through my mouth. The doctor said I should take more fluids and complete the antibiotics for one week.

  1. I am really thinking of cutting my hair short, say above my shoulder.

  1. This year is my 29th year in showbiz, este, on earth… who cares?!

  1. Last week, I had declared a cold war between me and DaddyDemz. We did not speak to each other; we never look at each other’s eyes. I cooked for myself, he cooked for his. Until yesterday, he approached me because we had to decide who among Sam and Pokwang (our puppies) should stay at home. One should go because during their play time at night, they were destroying our plants, biting our slippers and digging holes on the ground.

  1. The last book I read was “The Gift” by Sidney Sheldon. I really thought Sidney is a woman, hahaha!, until I read this book and saw his picture on the cover. ^_^ If you want a romantic story then this is a must read for you.

  1. I still find it relaxing to cry at night sometimes.

  1. Encouraging words from my colleague on my dead toe nail: Okay lang yan, ako nga walo yung patay kong kuko sa paa dahil sa kaka basketball.

  1. Titanic (the movie) is still on top of my list. I bought an original DVD at Odyssey and still give me goose bumps whenever I watch it especially the … “Come back… come back” part of the movie. I watched it three times since I bought the DVD + two times in theater sometime in 1997 + seven times after the movie was released on VHS.

  1. I like Discovery Channel over National Geographic Channel. Mythbusters is just awesome!

  1. Remember I was collecting wines since the last quarter of 2008? I never thought that it wasn’t a good idea to do it especially if most of your housemates are drinkers. My small little cellar is already empty.

  1. I’m still struggling on gaining weight. My 55 kilos target is still a long way, 10 more pounds to go.  I’d better try Appetton milk.

  1. My PSP3001 never fails to entertain me. With matching sigaw and tili while playing the Clank challenges. And at the office, I use it as mp3 player kahit ang baduy kong tingnan. May inaantay kasi akong magbigay ng iPod sa akin.

  1. This month is my anniversary month on my present job. It has been a year when I got lost in Makati City to find where L.P. Leviste Street is. A year since I started arriving home at 12:30am or later. It has been a year of a roller coaster ride! yeehaaa!

How about yours?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bowling With Angels

Start:     Feb 22, '09 12:00p
Location:     Robinson's Place
12:00 noon at Robinson’s Place after church this Sunday. It’s time to stretch some muscles and have fun with my kumares since all of their kids are my inaanak. I think this post celebration of Tinay and Ate Rina’s birthday. Sheh and I are partners, manlilibre daw ang matatalo. Sounds fun to me!

Celebrating Hearts Day



I was so touched to receive flowers from family and friends. My nieces have home made Vcards, Vbanner and flowers of course. Well, Fred never fails to amaze me! Hindi nya ako nakalimutan sa listahan nya. :> Thanks for the flower, Fred!


On the card:




Happy Valentine’s Day! Thank you sa panlilibre mo sa amin sa SM.


Jelly & Jaimie




Happy hearts month to everyone. It’s never too late to spread some looooove.



Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bukas Luluhod Ang Walang Tuhod

Have you ever hoped for something hopeless?

Or are you tired of asking… until when?

I know I am not alone… our whole barangay do.


It’s been three days… yes, three long long days.

I just can’t face another day without you- hu-hu-hu.


Walang tubig!

May nirerepair daw.

Mas sikat pa kay Marian Rivera ang poso doon sa kanto at narealize ko kung gaano sya kahalaga.


Please conserve water.