Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Things About Me

  1. I’ve been obsessed these past few weeks thinking about moving to a new house. I got very excited whenever I imagine myself decorating a new room. Maybe a bunch more of courage and reasons for me to really do this plan.

  1. Speaking of plan, the Bora trip will not push through this summer… but we still got summer forever to plan for this trip. Sagada is my next choice.

  1. I have sleepless nights since I got a bad cough and cold starting Monday. My nose got clogged on both passages especially during at night. I feel that I already mastered breathing through my mouth. The doctor said I should take more fluids and complete the antibiotics for one week.

  1. I am really thinking of cutting my hair short, say above my shoulder.

  1. This year is my 29th year in showbiz, este, on earth… who cares?!

  1. Last week, I had declared a cold war between me and DaddyDemz. We did not speak to each other; we never look at each other’s eyes. I cooked for myself, he cooked for his. Until yesterday, he approached me because we had to decide who among Sam and Pokwang (our puppies) should stay at home. One should go because during their play time at night, they were destroying our plants, biting our slippers and digging holes on the ground.

  1. The last book I read was “The Gift” by Sidney Sheldon. I really thought Sidney is a woman, hahaha!, until I read this book and saw his picture on the cover. ^_^ If you want a romantic story then this is a must read for you.

  1. I still find it relaxing to cry at night sometimes.

  1. Encouraging words from my colleague on my dead toe nail: Okay lang yan, ako nga walo yung patay kong kuko sa paa dahil sa kaka basketball.

  1. Titanic (the movie) is still on top of my list. I bought an original DVD at Odyssey and still give me goose bumps whenever I watch it especially the … “Come back… come back” part of the movie. I watched it three times since I bought the DVD + two times in theater sometime in 1997 + seven times after the movie was released on VHS.

  1. I like Discovery Channel over National Geographic Channel. Mythbusters is just awesome!

  1. Remember I was collecting wines since the last quarter of 2008? I never thought that it wasn’t a good idea to do it especially if most of your housemates are drinkers. My small little cellar is already empty.

  1. I’m still struggling on gaining weight. My 55 kilos target is still a long way, 10 more pounds to go.  I’d better try Appetton milk.

  1. My PSP3001 never fails to entertain me. With matching sigaw and tili while playing the Clank challenges. And at the office, I use it as mp3 player kahit ang baduy kong tingnan. May inaantay kasi akong magbigay ng iPod sa akin.

  1. This month is my anniversary month on my present job. It has been a year when I got lost in Makati City to find where L.P. Leviste Street is. A year since I started arriving home at 12:30am or later. It has been a year of a roller coaster ride! yeehaaa!

How about yours?

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