Showing posts with label mrv. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mrv. Show all posts

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Celebrating Life on the Day of The Dead

Everyone was on a holiday, Catholic’s day of celebrating the reunion of the dead relatives with their families ...




I liked the weather yesterday, so nice for having a swimming at Oceana in Island Cove. This was supposed to be my treat for Jellypotpot’s birthday, but I did not pay for it actually, it was Mr.V’s.


We had our lunch at Fishing Village, also inside Island Cove. It was a bit cloudy where there thin clouds just enough to covered the sky, thus the sun was not so bright but not gloomy. And with the cool winds, perfect for picnics!



I think we waited the food for almost an hour! We also noticed that all huts were occupied by guests, families everywhere, and normal for a holiday like last Saturday. And because of the liquor ban on that day, “Lasinggeros” like CoolJo were very disappointed. Hehe. But there was a loop hole; we saw the hut across us got a bucket of beer then the waiter told us only foreigners could order beer! CoolJo even joked that he is a Chinese. After a while, we noticed that beers were served. Sobrang dami siguro ng nagreklamong customers.



After the bountiful lunch, we went straight to Oceana for the main event -- the swimming.

There were few people inside unlike during summer. Mr. V promised to send the pictures as soon as possible. I love my head-first glide position at the slide!



Since our Oceana tickets have free visit to Island Wild Life, we went there as our last stop. I think the best part there was the Butterfly Farm because the rest of the animals were the usual ones seen in other Zoo’s I have visited. However, we never saw even one butterfly because it was already getting dark and I guess they were already hiding somewhere. People should go here during daytime to appreciate the beauty of the wild life more.



No sunset was captured, not even the cute little blue bird and the colorful flowers around the park along the pathway. It was because no spare batteries were brought. >_<



At the end of the day, everyone was tired but made us all very happy. If Lola and Nanay were there, it would definitely be happier. They were already gone but they will NEVER be forgotten.


Love you Lola, Love you Nanay...




Monday, May 26, 2008

Life Is. . .

I was invited by a friend to comment on his blog entry and here’s what I got:




Hi, Mr. V! What a good start you have. I know this is just a “patikim” and surely will soon be a “kabubusugan” by your readers. . .


To spice things up, let me give you my comment on this entry – {parang blog within a blog, hehehe}


Life Is Not A Game


We often compare life, or certain aspects of it, to a game. In fact, we usually hear such words and lines in many poems and song lyrics in different times. It is already a well-known saying that we no longer question the statement anymore.


But do our lives just comparable to games? If life is a game, then who wins? Who loses? Do you consider me as your opponent? Does it have to be that way?


In order to win a game is to stay within the boundaries of the rules that define it. Once these rules are laid down to us, of course the choices are up to us and must be done freely towards some goals. But in the latter part of the game, the chances to win are based from our previous moves or judgments. With our urge to win the game, we make our last move (most likely to be predetermined), not out of free choices but for the need to win.


When we were very young, we “play{ed}” something spontaneous, unstructured, and random and free. That is what childhood is all about. Even when we get older, we simply choose our path {or move}, regardless how hard/easy that decision was, not knowing the rules. Then it would no longer be called a “game” because rules must be define in any games. So life is not like how we understand what a game is.


Life shouldn’t have to be what the other player does, who will win, or who will lose …it is more than that.


Life is indeed beautiful; we just have to appreciate it.



Monday, April 28, 2008

A Case Study: The Laundry

I did my own laundry yesterday. Waaaa! Ate Marissa came to our house early in the morning and saw me doing her job. I just told her to take a rest and come back after two weeks. I was really thinking about what Baby James told me last time that our dear ‘labandera’ is a bit overpaid. I used to pay P300.00 for a two-week labada of Daddy Demz and mine, so P600.00 per month.


He told me that they were paying P29.00 for every kilo of clothes and then I did the math! Susmaryosep! My P300.00 is equivalent to 10.34 kilos. How on earth can we consume such numbers clothes for only two weeks? You know, my Daddy Demz is a home buddy… he sometimes wear the same clothes two days in a row. (Sorry Tatay...)Waaahaha!


I realized that I was paying her in this rate for how many months now. (I bet why she’s been so loyal to me since week one. Hahaha!)


Right now, I still don’t know yet what to do. Am I going to continue paying her with my original rate? or tell her that I am paying a little bit over and I need a rate rollback :D? or should I just do my own laundry? Honestly, I would love to clean the house, wash the dishes, clean the bathroom… except for doing the laundry (but with the exception of using the suuuper automatic laundry like what they used to have in UK –the one that you just need to plug the water supply and that thing will do the rest up until the ironing job, of course with the uninterrupted supply of electricity). Friends, help me.


Lastly, if she doesn’t agree with my terms and then I decided to terminate her, do I need to give her a separation fee???? Waaaaaaa.


(This is really touch uh! A lot more tougher than my problems with Mr. V! Waaahahahaha!)



Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's Nice To Be Back

I really missed my workplace here in the office, especially my computer. As I arrived, I saw this small gift and it came from Maila, thanks Mai!


Of course, I came from a two-week vacation so I need to do some stuff other than my regular workloads. First, table dusting: if only the table and my computer have mouths, they would be shouting, “Clean Me!” and the dusts were an inch thick! (Now, I’m overeacting) hehehe. Second, ms outlook cleaning: for two weeks, I received 85 new items for my inbox and 28 items in my Junk E-mail. Out of these emails, only one is valuable to me, the sales invoice of my training in Project Management this January. Third, schedule checking: I am having a meeting tomorrow with HR people about their system. And my training is due in two weeks! Hello, Makati ^_^, the last time I went there was last March 2007 after the graduation of students at PICC.


I was about to finish some checking and updates from my team until “krinnngg”! I missed the phone calls, really. Caller #1 was payroll, caller #2 was financial, caller #3 was enrolment, caller #4 was human resources, and caller #5 was CEAP and a lot more requests on <<instant messages>>. That’s a normal working day for me.


I didn’t go online in Yahoo messenger. I just forgot to remind myself, maybe because I was focused on my unread emails. Until…



Ms. Concerned Citizen: hey kilala mo po c ruby carbuncle?

Meeyeow: nope. ruby francia, OO. :D

Ms. Concerned Citizen: hehe... wala lng po.. nk-online k s ym?

Meeyeow: hindi po eh. why?

Ms. Concerned Citizen: hehe.. hmm.. bad ko.. kc nklagay sa status msg ni mr.v ung name na yun..

Meeyeow: sa netxph?

Ms. Concerned Citizen: opo..

Meeyeow: hahaha, tsismosang tsismosa ang dating mo ah.

Ms. Concerned Citizen: nyeh nyeh hindi naman.. baka common friend nyo eh hehe


I did something, then I went back.


Meeyeow: hahaha. hayaan mo na sya. kung saan sya masaya. (Best Dramatic Queen)

Ms. Concerned Citizen: o hwag po iiyak ha..

Meeyeow: hayaan mo na.... (dramatic queen talaga ako)

Ms. Concerned Citizen: anong hayaan mo na.. hwag po iiyak. (You are truly a very concerned friend! Nice, Nice!)

Meeyeow: hindi nga, tapos na ako don. (Another dramatic line from me ^_^)

Ms. Concerned Citizen: Okie.


This conversation made me smile and then laugh today... and then laugh again. Hahaha!Thank Ms. Concerned Citizen. :D



Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Brand New Series

The year has reset itself at exactly “00:00” this morning. The dark sky above was filled with astonishing fireworks displays in all directions; sounds of the firecrackers echoed through the whole country with loudness and, I felt very wonderful.


I wasn’t able to open my site yesterday because of my busyness in the kitchen. But nevertheless, I have got few things to emphasize in this entry tonight. First, not a single day is similar to any day has past or one that has to come. In every single moment, every course of our actions is distinctive; just like believing that an orange fruit is different from any other oranges that exist in the whole world: its shape, its colour, its size or even its taste. Although I spent the New Year’s Eve with the same special people in my life since many new years back, last night is definitely different from all the rest. What makes it more exciting was that I expected less but then I received more! Everything happened was somewhat unplanned yet the outcome was quite very satisfying. I am not against in ‘good planning’ but sometimes one must be engaged in the beauty of just “following one’s heart”.

Second, time is NOT gold; it is priceless. Considering that life is just too short, each moment must be executed with passion. I am turning eight and twenty this year and I cannot say until when I am going to live in this universe. My life clock is ticking endlessly.


Third, before the 2007 ended, BettyB and I reconciled with our recent conflict. She called me and we talked like nothing seriously wrong has happened. As if the anger I heard that day on the phone was just a dream. She told me about her plans of visiting us here in the Philippines this coming May and their celebration in UK last Christmas. This is really something special for me.


Fourth, the book, The Orange Girl by Jostein Gaarder, that Mr. V gave as a very special Christmas present for me is a fantastic book! I just finished reading the book this afternoon. I think the book has moved me in some ways that deepened my thoughts about life. I couldn’t stop myself to turn the pages on because the story really excites me. The book teaches a lot of lessons in life and I even cried at pages 97 and 136.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

He held both of his hands in my cheeks and whispered to me…“Hey, be strong.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


… Now below are citations from our game ‘pinoy henyo’. I was the one guessing:










(Kuya Joel at the distance showed he was in acting like swimming)












“Oo” (Everyone was shouting at me!)


“Nasa Pilipinas?”



South China Sea?”



Indian Sea?”



“Nasa Luzon?”



…A lot more wrong guesses at this point. Then I saw Cool Jo got back from inside of their house with beach towel and acted as if he got fine sand from the ground! Hahaha! Cool Jo couldn’t resist to give me hints because I couldn’t guess it right for quite too long :D



Everyone is shouting…”OO!”


Whewww! Ang tagal non! :D



Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goodbye Clouds Of Gray, Hello Skies Of Blue

I never thought that this time will ever come to my senses, the time that I can already say and tell the world that I am ready to face the world alone (although I was a bit inconsistent about this thing, trust me). Forgiving and forgetting a very special someone who left me in the middle of nowhere and who has injured my heart so badly is, in fact, a very complicated process, for me I guess. I was blinded by the guilt feeling believing that I was never been a perfect partner at all, which made me feel the one to blame in that disastrous relationship. Somehow it destroyed my self-esteem and now I am still in the pursuit of my own self worth.


But everybody made mistakes after all…


I know that most of my friends and people who were around me already knew what happened to my so-called long-term romance, even though they were very silent about it. I guess they were just respecting my decision to be quiet. Others tell me that I should be open in discussing it with them but I really feel that it will not help me at all; it will just make me remember everything again and again.

A day from now, it’s another New Year coming and from the looks of it, my days and nights will be long, tough and surely cold. In my own experience, the year 2007 was not exactly a milestone year for me, but a year of learning, understanding and realization. It was my so-called darkest days in my life, where everything seemed to fall out in its right places (‘Yin’), but the lighter part of it is that I was able to create a personal journal like this one (now here’s the ‘Yang’!). The storm has not yet passed. No more wedding plans, no more bitter-sweet-funny yet memorable moments with my special someone, no more family plans with 5 (or more) kids, no more UK visa requirements to be submitted, no more white Christmas and most likely, I got no Valentine’s Day date. Y_Y

I bet 2008 will also blow and howl like this storm in my life, and may be tougher for me. I really really hope that I can still continue and sustain my momentum in the future. I have got no one to hold onto except myself.

No one knows what lies ahead, but bills and debts still have to be paid, groceries to be bought, projects to be finished, tears to be wiped, problems to be faced and no matter what, the world will tell us that it’s time to stop questioning why life can’t be perfect and it’s time to accept the way it is.

All I know, it is the right time for me to set my personal goals and get back on the right track, my track to righteousness, success and most of all, happiness…


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Start Of Something New

Programming has been part of my everyday life since college. Every time I do my stuff in programming, it exercises my brain to think and uplifts my mood in a different way whenever I would accomplish an objective… until I became assigned in project management, sort of.


Yesterday, I had a chat with Mr. V, and it was kind of embarrassing when I mistakenly perceived an image as something that it is not, well in fact, it was an icon for a new blooming programming language.


Here's Mr. V new avatar in his Window Live Messenger:

Meeyeow: movie time ka?

Mr. V: hehehe movie time?

Mr. V: bat mo nasabi?

Mr. V:  L:D

Meeyeow: kasi yung avatar mo :D

Mr. V: di naman movie yan

Meeyeow: hahhaha

Mr. V: napag iwanan ka na sa programming world

Meeyeow: ano ba yan?

Meeyeow: hahahaha!!!

Meeyeow: hahahah

Mr. V:

Meeyeow: ahhh

Mr. V: browse mo :P

Meeyeow: cge




Meeyeow: hahaha

Meeyeow: so free tong ruby

Meeyeow: Rails pala :D:D:D

Mr. V: yup :)

Mr. V: new prog language

Mr. V: innovative sya

Meeyeow: mukhang interesting

Mr. V: kaya kelangan mo nang mag innovate

Mr. V: natawa naman ako kala mo movie time ung icon ko hahaha

Meeyeow: hahahaha

Meeyeow: napahiya ako!

Meeyeow: kung natawa ka, napahiya naman ako.


I cooked Chicken Tinola for our lunch (I forgot to take some pictures of it) while reading my book. ^_^V


After ‘The Alchemist’, I am now reading ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and I agree that it is nice to balance my reading.



Monday, December 24, 2007

The Sadness Of The Season

I can’t believe that I am crying again right now, while other people very happy celebrating the holiday season with their love ones. I am really tired of crying.


Tatay is inside his room at the moment and I am here in front of my computer. Sis Doll and Cool Jo’s family is at Alapan with Nanay Pining’s family. They usually go there during Christmas Eve. They’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. Right now, the moon is full and very bright, the stars are few, the whole surroundings is quiet and no signs of hapennings in our house; I hear silence except for the sound of the electric fan here inside my room. ^_^v This long vacation will be as boring as ever!


Earlier today, I received a text message from someone asking if I was available to go out. Since I was really having nothing else to do today, I said I was free. Thank God someone asked me out today!; Though I already knew that this one more ‘Hello’ means another ‘Goodbye’ at the end of it, and I never know when the next 'Hello' will be...


We met at 3:00pm, asked me If I could help him out find some gifts for his brothers. After browsing items inside dept store, we end up buying nice Bench caps. Then we had early dinner at Pizza Hut, some small talks, and went up to watch Pasukob Movie.  Since it was a holiday, the mall advised that the closing time would be until 7:00pm. I didn’t realize how fast the moment was and it’s already time to go. Before he sent me home, we went straight to a drug store and bought Tatay’s medicine, then went to a supermarket to buy her sister’s ‘pabilin’.


Since I was worried that he would be caught by traffic going home, I told him not to send me home anymore, but he insisted. At the gate of our house, I was sad again; my chest was feeling so heavy and thoughts of another goodbye would be happening again, then I just cried. I couldn't get inside the house because I didn’t want Tatay to see me crying again. I stayed outside for a while and wiped my tears.


And now, just two hours away from the Christmas Day…I am alone and I am crying. Y_Y



Sunday, December 16, 2007

Regular Sunday

It is Thanks Giving Day today and so we went to church this morning. I wore the brown cute skirt I bought in Divisoria last time which I partnered with my favourite sexy blouse. I was living in fear since yesterday that Mr. V might not attend the worship service this morning. After the service, I texted him asking if he came, and thank God he did.


I cooked Sinigang na Sugpo for lunch. Well, here in our home, Sunday is Sinigang Day! But I had to cut off some carbs this week. I am getting fat again. Centrum is already working in my system. 45 kilos was my lightest within this past three months. I think I am around 48 kilos now. I am aiming for 50 kilos till New Year.


At miryenda time, Jelly and I made some hamburgers while Cool Jo bought Coke. And that was just a great miryenda for us. Then we watch NBO movie, Secret Window of Johnny Depp, then followed by Independence Day of Will smith.


I cooked beef tapa for dinner and at the same time as my baon (packed lunch) for tomorrow.


It is Monday again tomorrow, another week of adventures ;)



Saturday, December 15, 2007

So Close And Still So Far

 Meeyeow hate to say “Hello” because she knows at the end of it is saying “Goodbye”.


I keep telling everyone that I am fine and alright, though I really should be happy right now but I still feel sad and empty…


Mr. V and I decided to watch True Faith Band’s Concert last Friday at 888 Fishing Village and Restaurant. I had to wait for him because he still had a meeting at work to finish before he can leave the office. He texted me, around 9:00 pm, that the meeting just finished and then told me to wait for him in an hour. Earlier, I saw on the news that the southbound road was already building some heavy traffic due to early Christmas rush so I doubted that he would be coming on time. In fact, he arrived at 10:30 pm. Then after I dressed up, we headed straight to 888. To enjoy the moment, I suggested that we walk going to the hi-way and then just took a bus going to Covelandia Road. I couldn’t remember anymore the things that we talked about while we were walking under the moonlight but definitely those were happy ones.


The band already sang 2 songs when we arrived. The seats were quite full but Infinity managed to get us a nice place. Thanks Infinity ^_^v. She was asking me if both of us already got back together and I said no. I know she is not happy to what is going on between Mr. V and me.


Hungry and starving, we ordered Sinigang na Hipon, Crispy Pata, and 0ne bucket of San Mig Lights. We were actually planning to get drunk that night and we did :D I couldn’t even get myself straight to the comfort room because of the wooziness. The band was great and we enjoyed their music very much. “Perfect”, “Muntik na Maabot ang Langit” and “Dahil Ikaw” were some of their timeless songs they did. After the concert, we stayed for quite some time with Infinity. Then we went home at 3:00 am. I asked him to stay till the sun came up because it was not safe anymore to go home straight to Trece Martirez City that time.


I felt so wonderful that night; I would say the feeling was “parang naka drugs”. Hehehe. Whenever I was with him, I got very high. But as I have said, there would be another goodbye at the end of it. We were so close yet he was still so far. I could hold him physically... but his heart, his mind and the way he speak was pushing me away.


We parted the next day at SM Bacoor. Earlier,  Mr. V took me for a movie, The Golden Compass, and a dinner at Shakey’s Pizza. I beg him not to take me home that night for I didn’t want him to see me cry again. The wonderful moments have ended and so I have to say “Goodbye” again…


Trivia: I had a first time today. It was my first to walk at the mall where my eyes were filled with tears.



Sunday, December 9, 2007

Simple Words (Part II)

It was already 8:30am when I woke up from last night’s exciting/with some “kilig” moments/semi-heartbreaking episode of my life. My eyes and my heart were restless again.


I went to church with Sis Doll and Cool Jo. So as to hide my very visible eye bugs (–due to some emotional anxiety attack last night), I was forced to put some eye liner and eye shadow this morning. To divert the focus to my ears, I wore big and very noticeable bangle earrings, hehehe. The Minister’s sermon was inspired by the upcoming year-end Thanks Giving Celebration this year that will be held next week. But then again, my mind was sailing in the deep sea of my thoughts from time to time. Well, my subject was none other than, Mr. V, along with the things that happened last night. As I promised to myself, I am writing about it.


Late last month, I started having this speculation that Mr. V was intentionally making me lose my trust to him. Or something that he wanted to prove that he really wants his freedom; that he could decide whatever he wanted without having to consider other people. Last Friday, I got an invitation from Mr. V to go out on Saturday. I said, “Ok”. Details were discussed that day, but none of it happened as planned (or should I say, as said) except for the movie watching.


Lesson learned:

-          never expect (no. 1)

-          live at present, not on the past nor future

-          live as if it is your last

-          practise spontaneous acts


After the movie, he took me home. I missed the scene, so much. Thanks to the traffic, we were able to spend some more time inside the car. Then we talked a little more at home. It was nice to feel that I was able to share again to someone my emotions, especially to him. I could consider o-u-r shared dreams in the past are like ruined drawings in a canvass. There is no more wonderful colors and images of happines. Everyday, another color turns to gray...


Everything that he's going through right now is his very own choice. This is not because he is a Sagittarian (although, Sagittarians are really emotional persons), but because he wants to start anew with h-i-s life.


I just want to support him and give him back the love and understanding he has given me through the years and it really doesn’t matter if that new chapter of his life means I might not be part of it. It just really hurts me to get all the rejections i am receiving now.


"He just taught me how to love and how to hold on….and now, how to say goodbye. "


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Simple Words (Part I)

“If only those simple words were said….”


How can you hold on to someone when that person just gives you more than enough reasons not to? Is it a test of love? Or just hints that you can’t really be together forever? Is there such thing as forever anyway?


I just had an official date after almost one and a half months. My date and I had a wonderful dinner and a nice light-hearted movie.


While we were inside the car, my mind was just as busy as a bee thinking what to say, asking my self what to do next or how to react. He was talking to me but even simple words won’t come out from my frozen lips. Actually, I couldn’t stop myself not to get emotional again but things just made me feel sad because I am still living from the memories of the past and that past is special no more.


I’ll try hard to recall all those thoughts that were running from my mind. As far as I remembered, here are some :( subconscious thoughts were in Italics):


-          “Meeyeow, don’t cry!”

-          “No, I’m not crying….I hope you know how to make me stop.

-           “I am crying because I am hurt every time you make me feel that in the end there are no us anymore.”

-          “I don’t need material things, I need you!

-          “All good memories are still inside my heart, those are what keep me holding on.”



….It’s 12:00 midnight and I am so sleepy, I’ll post the rest of the story tomorrow…promise!


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Special No More

What makes the month of December as special as everyone considers and makes out of it? Maybe it is the feeling of the cold breeze, the celebrations, being thankful that everyone is still standing despite the challenges in life for the past years and spending the season with the special people in our lives.


" Ooops, another anxiety attack! "


I won’t lie that this is my most hated season right now. The excitement is not enough for me to forget my loneliness. Why? because a lot of special moments before were as not as special this year… One of the things I learned in life is that I must live each day as if it is my last. I have never regretted this much emotionally in my life. Last year, I spent the December season in United Kingdom with BettyB’s family and friends. It was special because I made a lot of new friends; I was given opportunity to travel that far; and most specially, BettyB’s family made me feel really special to them. Sadly I was away from Tatay, Sis Doll’s Family and to Mr. V (not knowing that the preceding year was the last).


Two years ago, I organize a small party at New Year’s Eve. It was a very private family affair. With the money I solicited from Batotoy, my brother, and BettyB, I bought some raffle items. It was a wonderful party indeed. Then at 12:00mn, we prayed altogether to thank God for all the blessings.


I know the feeling of being special to someone that is why I know how it is not to be. No more small notes of ‘hi and good night’, even saying ‘I need you’ and ‘Can I see you?’…


I hope I can still push myself to be as happy as I was from my previous December seasons.


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Cat Is Starting To Fall Out

When I started blogging in this site two weeks ago, the way I spent my day has changed. I have been very excited to start my day and at the end of it, it feels good to reminisce everything (especially the good ones but there were still awful ones), like what I am doing right now.


Even though I woke up as early as 5:00 this morning, I was still late for my 8:00am target to arrive at the office. Instead, I came 8:45am. I found myself trapped watching ESPN show while eating my breakfast alone (Tatay was not feeling well due to his stomach pain from last night, I ask him not to prepare anything for me this morning and just have a rest). The show was an Australian Dog Competition and the dogs were all amazing. You could see them jump as long as 29 meters on the pool, racing on an intricately designed obstacle course, and a lot of running competition events. The dogs were so gorgeous and smart. It was so amazing that no dog was destructed by the people watching and cheering over them. One owner was crying while being interviewed by one of the hosts because of happiness and being so proud of his winning black Labrador. By the way, the competition was sponsored by Purina.


At the office, we had a free food for lunch, courtesy of Flooney. We only provided the rice, drinks and our own utensils. Flooney’s family celebrated their town fiesta yesterday and she brought Menudo, Pork Steak, and some sweets. Mr. Shadow, Jewel and Snowbell joined us over lunch at the east campus (they came all the way from west campus). We had some good laughs again while recalling some old funny experiences and good memories.


Earlier this afternoon was the schedule of the Lantern Parade made by the different offices of our company. Our office's lantern was made by used cables, cartons, and disks courtesy of the Technical Personnel headed by Henry Boy. Raed was also part of the working committee and they even rendered overtime last night just to have the unique lantern ready for the parade. It was a “belen” – a bahay kubo which depicts where the place Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus. The funny thing was that among the offices who joined the parade, our office was the only one who brought a UPS (uninterrupted power supply) in order for the lights decoration to be lighted while on the parade (with matching speakers playing the mp3 of “Jingle Bells”:D)


But here is the awful one, I got disappointed again with Mr. V because we were about to meet tonight but I just received a message from him while I was on my way to SM City that his violin class was cancelled so he won’t be going to SM City tonight. I don’t know, but as soon as I read the message, I felt really angry and disappointed. Not the usual reaction I gave when he started doing hurtful things to me. Am I starting to fall out? Am I already tired of just accepting everything without seeing any proof of his sincerity? Maybe I am just disappointed up until now while writing this blog entry. I am even seeing him online right now at Windows Live Messenger! Maybe I am disappointed to know that he doesn’t really want to see me anyway and upsets me even more knowing that I bought him that damn neck pillow last night! Before, I would just say to myself and accept that he just can’t do something that he promised because of some reasons. But he is just proving to me now that we are OVER and some good things NEVER really last.


I am eating French Baker Supreme Pizza for dinner because Tatay wasn't able to cook dinner for the two of us. So I ordered two slices and I am so full right now.


I am so excited what's going to happen tomorrow. It is December 5, 2007 - a day away from BettyB's birthday!