Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2011

What Cats Are Really Thinking

I wonder if Simeon does this to me :-D

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kiss The Cook



Tweet.I created my very first tweet yesterday! It’s kinda funny coz I don’t want anyone to follow me on my twitter account. LOL! .. and LOL again! Bwahaha. Ewan. :-)) To date, I have tweeted three four until this morning. More to come! ^_^




What’s for Lunch? Well, it’s Daddy Demz favorite, “MY” Pancit Canton! It really amazed me when I cooked this recipe for the first time, everybody who tasted it, loved it! Syempre because of the "secret ingredient". I was actually the worst cook in my family. Lola is the best, next is Nanay Rose. Dith and Ate are almost equally good, then there’s Kuya and Tatay. I am actually at the bottom! Grrrr. ;-D Wahahaha! If you are surrounded with great cooks, then you should know that cooking is not anymore in the pile of your workloads at home. But Lola and Nanay are gone, Dith is away… I said to myself, “I have to do something!” … I practiced.


Now, I can cook!

I can cook anytime I want.

I can cook anything I want.

I can cook what Tatay wants.

I can cook and sing in between.

I can eat what I cook.

But … I am not a good cook.



Simeon. Do animals do get jealous? Oh my God! If the answer is yes, then Putol is… I spend more time with Simeon now – especially that cute little cat is soooo playful! Ang sarap kilitiin! Masarap din kitiin si Putol... (naman! may kasamang tulo laway pa!) Putol, don't be jealous, you are still my number one dog :D





Oh my! ....It's time to go to the bank! Waaaaa.



Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lazy Week


I have to credit Darwin for this…

            Darwin: “Who is the son of Charles Babbage?”

            … (sino?!)

Darwin: “Si modern computer… because Charles Babbage is the father of modern computer.”



Hahaha!! :-D Pasensya na, I have been so stressed lately and this joke just got funnier to me than everyone else does! LOL ;-D


Why stressed? Kasi lagging kulang ang tulog ko! Probably 4PM-1Am is my least favorite among my shift schedules. Parang hindi talaga ako nasasatisfy sa tulog ko. Sadly, it is still my choice to live with it :-/ Well anyway, I’ll be on morning shift again next week *excited!* -- NO MORE FOUR-HOUR TRAVEL Yahoo!






Meet our naughtiest sweetest irresistable kitty, Simeon.




Sometime in 21st of June, Ate Lanie and I had this conversation…


Meeyeow: “ate lanie, happy birthday!!!”

Lanie: “salamat pero ulitin mo ng june 22”

Meeyeow: “hahahahahhhaha”

Meeyeow: "mali yung alarm ko kainis"

Lanie: "bwhahahha"

Lanie: "bwhahhaha"

Meeyeow: "hahahhhaa"

Lanie: "baka mali un date setting"

Meeyeow: "hahaha, malamang"


It was my calendar’s fault! Hahahaha! It was accidentally set to alarm a day before June 22! So masyado palang advanced ang greetings ko! LOL. Then I greeted her again the next day. :-)




San Juan Feast…


June 24 is celebrated in our town with water fight!!! Waaaaaa! Yes, water fight! Coincidentally, the tide is high on this day. Water on the rivers is high enough to flood the roads. People are everywhere outside their home, drinking beers, drenching water and kauging at each other. Who doesn’t love water fights?! Unfortunately for me, it becomes legal on this day!!! Every 24th of June every year, I have to struggle going to school/work because everyone outside was trying to douse water on me! I don’t really want to be a KJ (kill joy) but please spare me!


My worst San Juan feast experience in Cavite was in College where drunken men threw a bucketful of mud water on my jeep as early as 7AM! I really had to go back home and take a day off. :-( Even if I was turning red with anger because my white blouse turned black, I was not able to confront those BULLIES because they already flew and hid across the street corner into an alley! DAMN!


I just hope it won’t happen again TODAY! T_T

It won’t happen again NEXT YEAR! ^_^