Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sprain Times Two


Too bad my right foot had to be sprained a-g-a-i-n last Sunday over a badminton game. :-( Remember I had sprain from the bus last February 2011 on the same foot! Aaaw... Ate Doll took me the hospital again and maluwag na daw yung ankle ko sabi ng doctor.

The doctor said, the muscle was stretch this time around. I was supposed to take pain relievers three times a day but because of my stomach acidity, I had to take only twice a day or else the hyperacidity will strike again. Unfortunately, the pain reliever lapses soon so sometimes I still feel the pain.


I’m very lucky that I am allowed to work from home for a week or until I could drive to Makati. Thank you, my Company! It's my 6th day of house arrest.

Except the injury, everything about the Baddiks 2011 tourney was fun! Just my luck that he was there with me and drove me home. I really enjoyed the games even if Shy and I placed 4th among the 5 teams. Hahahaha! Enjoy enjoy lang! Next year uleeeeet! 




Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I got my newly *acquired* Tabz from him –- highly customized with the new applications. The one I am excited about is the Constellation Map!!!!

He had his newer version, Tabz 8.9, last weekend. Only one shop has the unit because it has not been released yet in the market here in the Philippines. Mostly has the 10.1 version but he thought of it as very big for him to carry around. To add up on the excitement, he asked me to pick upon it from the store while he was buying Krispy Kreme and Chatime. We met at the lounge area and from there, the rest is history…

If only you could see his face while opening the box. 

This morning, he dropped by at the house on his way to the office to hand me over my Tabz, I am calling it “Seven” from now on…



Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Random Thoughts


ChaTime Philippines

We have visited two branches so far, in Landmark and the other one in MOA. There are always lines on their stores, because people are willing to wait for their teas! Try it and I know you’ll love it! Don’t forget to ask for their loyalty card coz you might need it for you next rounds! ;-)


Secret Garden

We had another special dinner at Sonya’s Garden for the second time. This ‘worst-kept-secret’ garden never fails to bring out the romantic mood in us. During our first time, most guests were couples but this time – big families! But in spite of, um, happy noise from the other tables, we find our perfect spot just near the kitchen – with easy access on refills and requests. ^_^v

After a funny movie, Johnny English, from Rowan Atkinson at SM Dasmariñas, we arrived at Tagaytay just the perfect time when all the lights at restaurant are sparkling on. For two hours, we really enjoyed the food, the ambiance, the sound, and the mushy talks. Love, love, love.


Ideal Weight

Did you know that I am 4 pounds away from my ideal weight??? Hell YEAH!!!! But I still need more workouts to spread the fats on their perfect places. 0_o


Bora Hindi Natuloy

My close friends knew that I was having the vacation of my life in the islands of Kalibo and Boracay! I planned it for more than two months. Everything from the plane tickets, accommodations, budget and even the itinerary were planned by yours truly. But but but… I had to make way for my Brazil trip. :-/

I realized that fate is still getting aligned with my rule that “Pupunta lang ako sa Boracay kapag may ka holding hands na ako.” Hahaha!  I said it to myself for about two years ago… Well, I still yet to grant it to myself in the future…


Joseph Birthday

Oh how we really love to sing! For Josephs birthday this year, we ended up at Center Stage in Makati City to belt our favorites songs after our dinner at Sinangag Express (SEx). Belated happy birthday, Joseph, even though our Boracay party didn’t happen, we still have a lifetime to plan for it ;-)




Saturday, October 1, 2011

Macaroons With Love


I’m soooo happy with the results!!! Everyone loves it!

Here is the very first batch last September 18! 

And here are my special gifts for Abby, Warren, Gems and Ariel on their birthdays!

So now, I’m sharing the recipe with you and let me know when you try!


Coconut macaroons are an all-time Filipino favorite dessert. This soft, chewy treat is a delight to both young and old alike. Here’s an easy recipe for making coconut macaroons, Filipino-style. This yields approximately 50 pieces.


5 1/3 cup of  sweetened shredded or desiccated coconut (or about 14 ounces)

1 cup melted butter (or about 2 sticks)

½ cup brown sugar

3 pcs eggs

1 can condensed milk (14 ounces)

Tools You’ll Need:

Baking mold

Rubber Spatula

Large mixing bowl

Mini baking paper cups

1 tbsp Measuring spoon

Electric mixer


Place the melted butter and brown sugar in a big bowl, and cream together using an electric mixer.

Add in the eggs one by one into the mixture, then beat. Make sure the eggs are fresh because it affects the overall quality of your finished product.

Add the condensed milk and beat until all the ingredients are well blended.

Slowly add the sweetened shredded or desiccated coconut into the mixture. Use the spatula to mix the coconut with the rest of the ingredients.

Place the paper cups into the baking mold.

Put one tablespoon of the coconut mixture into the individual cups.

Preheat the oven at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bake the coconut macaroons for about 20 minutes, or until it turns golden brown.

Let it cool down before serving.

Enjoy your yummy treat!


Some ovens vary in temperature. Make sure to keep a close eye on what you are baking so they don't burn. Coconut macaroons cook very fast.


Always wear protective gloves when handling the baking mold in and out of the oven to prevent burning.


Read more:


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Olá Brazil!


Seriously, I’ve been very excited to write about this and here is it naaaaa!


South America, you are really too far from Asia! Hhahaha! We only had a week of preparation and supposed to travel to Peru from Brazil but we were not able to get business visa for Peru. The 18 hours 22 long hours of flight is just to spice this trip up. Sooobrang nakakapagod ang byahe… but nevertheless, helloooooo, it’s BRAZIL pa rin no??!!! ^_^v


Sao Paulo’s airport is kind of old. I think older than NAIA Terminal 1. By the way, I was with my colleague, JP, for this trip. We departed at 6PM Manila and landed there after 32 hours because of the flight transfers. Long ah… talaga!!! As soon as I get off the plane towards the arrival area, I already heard the magic language, Porrrtuguese baby! Weeeeee!


Our taxi was already waiting outside. My name was even misspelled on the banner (SPELETA) that Mr. Honorato was holding. He is such a nice guy; by the way, he knows how to speak Spanish, Portuguese and English. He also knows late President Ferdinand Marcos and the thousand shoes of Imelda! ‘San ka paaaa??!! Hehehehe. He was also the one who told us, “NO walking at night in Sao Paulo…” Yay! O_o



The first day was an adjustment period for me but not that much. The gloomy weather reminded me of my stay in UK few years ago. It was funny that a week before that, the weather was pleasant according to my friend, but the week when we were there, it was a weather disaster –- freezing! The temperature suddenly dropped up to 10 degrees.

After 30 minutes, we reach the hotel but Mr. Honorato sent us to the wrong one. So we had to be transferred to the hotel just across the street. A bellboy helped us with our luggage and as soon as I opened a conversation with the guy, I just heard my first “NO English” response with a smile. Not everybody speaks English there, very unfortunate because “NO Portuguese” naman for us! Hehehe.


Hotel Intercity Premium Nacóes Unidas


The hotel is clean and nice. The people are friendly. Every three days, the hotel is sending my running statement account in the hotel which costs around $180USD per day. It has a nice view of Sao Paulo skyline through my window at night. I love the king-sized bed. Although my internet cable was faulty on the first night, the succeeding days went perfect! Forget about the cable tv please… two shows lang yata ang English – the rest were in Portuguese or dubbed in Portuguese! Nonetheless, the cold weather didn’t prevent me to have some good sleep at night. ^_^v Hehehe.

Breakfast was amazing. Up until now, I’ve been craving for hot shower + fruits + bread + coffee + cold cuts + cheese + juice. I’d say I was well pampered EVERY the morning. *wink* x_^v


Brazil’s Largest

Now, let me tell you something about Sao Paulo on how I was able to experience it. It is indeed an interesting city, the largest in Brazil, but unfortunately I have a little time to explore it. By the way, Ms. Universe 2011 Coronation night was held in Sao Paulo.

Remember what Mr. Honorato told us about Sao Paulo at night? … We definitely obeyed him so we ended up only at the mall during the night. LOL! We wanted to get back in the Philippines in one piece. People greet each other in most places, even strangers. Everyone utters “Bom Dia!” (Good Morning) upon entering the elevator in the morning. And one must not be rude to forget to say “Obrigado” (Thank You) for appreciation. The hardest part on that travel, next to the terrible weather, was the language barrier. I could have done a lot better things if I could easily communicate with most Brazilians there. One night, the taxi couldn’t locate our hotel and I was not able to help him because we do not understand each other. Ang kaba ko non!!! LOL!  Bu then as time goes by, I got used to it.

One time we had lunch at Viareggio along Nacoes Unidas street. It is an Italian restaurant serving authentic Italian dishes. Ang kaso, yung menu nila eh walang engling transalation! … And my Brazilian friends to the rescue. Hhahahaha.


Murymarelo Bar

Our client arranged a night out with IT people and the rest of the training group. Drinks were overflowing! This bar offers cool drinks and amazing pizzas. But I still ended up enjoying only a glass of margarita! Hahaha. Ayokong malasing at magpakaladkad pauwi ng hotel, nakakahiya! It was such a nice experience and it made the group closer together. :-)


The Mall + Taxi

It cost me around $8 (10-13 Reals) per 5-minute taxi ride to the mall. Morumbi shopping is one of the largest malls in the city and it houses from medium to up-scale shops parang mala-Greenbelt.



The streets are mostly narrow except for hi-ways. They are closely similar to England’s with bricked walk way on both sides for people and bikers. Cars are smaller! Mabenta ang Honda Jazz and Ford Fiesta dito and anything na hutch back. Pagnakakita ka ng Civic/City, malalaki na sila. Hehehe. However, their buses are extremely long naman. Imagine Saulog bus x 2 na magkadikit :-D Kulit nga eh! All road signs are in Portuguese, no English translations so I have to learn fast!


The Group

I was fortunate to be with wonderful people during my stay in Brazil. I was so amazed with the new things I see around me and entertained with my new colleagues more so. I never imagined myself cracking jokes around them but I did! Hahahaha! Being with was just magastos nga lang. My allowance was not enough for that so JP and I have to decline on their night out invitations sometimes.  



This travel was short but fulfilling, challenging yet pleasant! But there is always time to say farewell and goodbye. And besides, I already missed my family and friends back home in the Philippines. If I would be asked if I wanted to go back there, I would definitely say YES!!!



Monday, September 5, 2011

Paris at Pares


I really have to share this with you because you know how I love food and how it makes my day satisfied with what I eat! Now here’s a story that I hope will make yours ^_^v

It was one of our miryenda breaks at the office about three weeks ago – the normal one. Zeny and I started to chat where to eat.


“Paris”, she wrote.

I replied, ”Okie, I’ll tell the boys :-).”


A few days before it, we have been talking about this sidewalk carinderia beside Metrobank Plaza across our building. It has been a blockbuster among the nearby offices according to them. Mostly, guys buy there. This push cart sells the famous “Pares” – a heavenly tender meat with sauce as the boys were describing it. Well, I haven’t tried any Pares in my entire life.

To continue with my story, I immediately approached Warren and Dave and told them…


Me: “Miryenda na! Sa Pares daw tayo sabi ni Zeny…”

Warren (hmmm, :-/ confused): “Sigurado kayo?”

Me: “Oo, sabi ni Zeny eh…”

Warren to Dave: “Tara!”

Warren to Me: “Isama mo si Mike!”


 Then I went back to my seat and asked Zeny again on the chat…


Me: “Are you sure sa Pares?”

Zeny: “Meeyeow, hinde… sa Paris!”


Hahahaha! I misinterpreted Paris to Pares. Paris is an authentic French restaurant along Makati Ave which far far far comparable with the Pares cart I previously had in mind. Hahahaha! I told Shiela about it and we were really laughing our hearts out!!!

We met at the elevator and I told them everything about the mix up. Hahaha. Tawanan kami nang tawanan. Warren and the rest of the boys went to ParEs, then Zeny and I ended up to ParIs!!! ;-D

The place is pretty small but nice. As I went inside, I smelled something good – the aroma of France indeed! When I looked around, most guests were foreigners. We even saw the restaurant owner giving instructions to the staffs. I had pizza and fresh grape juice. Zeny ordered hot choco and nuttella crepe. We shared to each other our food. Yummy!!!!

Then we invited Shiela and John to come with us after a week. :-) As usual, we were surrounded with French and Americans. We even saw the PBB Teen Edition Big winner. I forgot his name. ^_^v I’d definitely be back there soon.

Happy eating!!!



Saturday, September 3, 2011

Raising A Father

 He could be the person who upsets me the most, yet he is the most comforting one. He is not trying, but he is funny to me most of the time. Just yesterday, I received a text message from him saying:

Wag u sarhan ang pinto ha?

He is 71. This usually means he is going to be out for a while and will come home by the time I am already asleep.

When the phone rings:

“Sabihin mo wala ako…”

Most of the time, I become the disciplinarian between the two of us. He still smokes and drinks beer whenever I am not around. He sleeps late for chess – very late… Lab u,Tay!



Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chicken Tinola Sure Hits The Spot On This Cold, Rainy Day


Thank God, flood has finally subsided today. I checked the roads and pretty sure that it could be passable this day. Glad I was allowed by my bosses to work from home yesterday because aside from the non-stop rain the other night, it was high tide!

Well today, instead of frowning about this gloomy weather, I welcome this stormy day with the goodness of warm soup just the way I like it – CHICKEN TINOLAaaaa!



Unfortunately, we have one BIG problem… I forgot to cook the rice! Grrrrr!!!!!!!! T_T Good thing Tatay is calm unlike me, and said “Ako na magsasaing”. Lab u, Tay! It is 12 noon… and as of this writing, we are still waiting for the rice to be cooked. Hehehe! Kainis :-D

Happy lunch everyone!




Monday, August 1, 2011

I Hear Laughter In The Rain


There is always a first time for everything. Fun Run in the middle of heavy rain is something new to me, but hey, I felt that it was way better than the usual! So true, maniwala kayo! Sana lagi na lang umuulan kapag may fun run, :-D oh sige na nga, joke lang.

I did not get a chance to be bored from my first step up to the last because, for 5k at least, most joiners were kids and high school students – trust me, it was way too unpredictable. I saw a kid left the sole of his rubber shoes and he just then went barefoot! I think that was smart and one less smelly feet from all of the wet runners. And mind you, teens are just sooo energetic. Hindi sila mahabol ni Ate Meeyeow! Hahaha!

And you just might understand where the fun was coming if you read further from the conversations I overheard along the race:



A girl was left behind by his friends and met at the other side of the track just after the U-Turn near Coastal Mall:

Girl: “Pwede ba? … magshortcut?”
Boys: “Cge, pwede yan!”

… Until they were noticed and stopped by the marshal. Tsk tsk. Buking!



A guy kid blaming the girl kid:

Guy Kid 1: “Kanina pa sana ako natapos kung hindi kita inantay kanina!” (taray!)



At the water station:

Kid 1: “Wow, tubig ulan!” (indeed! Hindi malayong 50% ng laman ng mga plastic cups ay tubig ulan! hehehe)



A boy struggling to get to the finish line:

Boy: “Para kay Obet!!!!” (That’s the spirit!! Remember Obet, the recipient of new rubber shoes in the Milo commercial? Awwwww!)



A teen after getting his race certificate:

Teen 1: “Yahooo! Pang dagdag to sa credentials to pag nag apply koooo!”
Teen 2 (to Teen 1): “Papasa na tayong magnanakaw!” (mabilis tumakbo, nga naman…)


Getting to the finish line wasn’t easy for us (me, my sister and Jelly) and the start line is even harder! We had to go back to the nearest U-Turn because Macapagal road turned one-way. We were 30 minutes late from the gun start and it was still raining!

After the race, we stayed for a while to take pictures, kid around and wave to the helicopter covering the event. Yeah baby! Sana nakita ang big smile ko sa TV! Hahaha! No loot bag this time (baduy!). But we saw Sheh, William and Mae; quite surprising to see them in the crowd of around 34,000.

We don’t know our official time yet. My senses are telling me around 50 minutes for 5 kilometers. I’ll update you soon! ;-) For now, I will deal with my headache, body pain and a blister on my foot but definitely no injury! Next race is RunRio Leg 2! If my training at work will not fall on the same day, I’ll be joining this race and enjoying Boracay a week after because I cannot be in same place at once… I’m hoping for the best!!!! Hooray! :-D

Thank you, Lord!




Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Boracay Preparation


Almost a month left before I hit the beach again in the middle of rainy season. Hahaha! Tickets are purchased; hotels booked and confirmed; itinerary prepared! I just love preparing things and getting ready for something. Tadaa!



Ooops! I still have to file vacation leave! Matuloy sana at wag lang babagyo please. T_T I am already crossing everything I can cross – fingers, legs, arms and even my eyes! Hihihihi.


“Bora was a sacred place for me but things have changed –
Palawan is my new Bora!” ^_^v



Races Ahead


I’m in!!!

I’m very excited with my 5th and 6th fun run as of this year - even happier to run with family and friends I have encouraged.

35th Milo Marathon MANILA Elimination Race (July 2011)
Unfortunately, the race registration is already closed since last week. Running with family and Sheh! Race details here.



RunRio Trilogy 2011 Leg 2: RUN UNITED 2 (August 2011)
I’m really crossing my fingers for this one. Remember earlier this year, a foot injury barred me from joining Leg 1? :’-( This time, I’ll be running with Joseph and Kristle. Race details here.


For more information, please visit Runrio.



Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Dog Whisperer

I could only wish that I got a chance to watch this National Geographic series “The Dog Whisperer” before I let go of Putol. The poor dog has been away from our home since last year. I have been silent about it because it really saddens me that I had to let him go. Tatay sent him to our cousin’s house because we could not control his behavior anymore. I have spent at least P10,000.00 on rabies shots for the people he has bitten. The neighbors were worried and us too! Yes, we had gone through those and it was really terrible. As owner, I had full responsibility for my dog… I thought if I keep him, I could lose everything.


He started acting different after he was badly rolled by a bicycle, accidentally/deliberately – I was unsure. He would horrifically bark at each person passing our house except for any member of the family. He also got his obsession at the sound of a basketball being dribbled on the floor; it just got him annoyed at an instant! I really had this feeling that the person/persons who wronged him could be from a basketball game nearby, riding on a bicycle. I don't blame them, Putol is a very tough dog. They could have just protected themselves. He is very muscular, even his voice is very intimidating. He could nail the female dogs that he wants. But deep inside, he is sweet and caring.

For two weeks now, I enjoy watching this show. The program “Dog Whisperer” airs on weekdays at around 4:00PM on Nat Geo channel. Last Sunday, it aired a marathon in preparation for its second season on August. The show is very positive. It really gives you an idea on how to handle dogs correctly, discipline them more so. At each episode, the Dog Whisperer itself, Ceasar Millan, says “There is no dog that is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate dogs, I train people”. He really does!


It was amazing that I tried the discipline tricks on my new dogs, Chu-Chu and Cha-Cha, and it worked! They know who the pack leader is now (and that’s me). Hehehe!

He was a birthday present to me when he was still a two-month old puppy, wrapped on the big round box. That was so sweet... Because he has this shorter tail than any dogs have, I named him Putol ("short"). He was very sweet to me since then but those things happened.


A bad news came just yesterday, I learned that Putol was handed over to some dog syndicate for a price – you know what I am talking about; sila yung nakatricycle na malayo pa lang, tinatahulan na ng mga ibang aso… My cousin couldn't handle him as well, then sold Putol and he’s now gone forever.


"Putol, we have lots of good memories together and I will take them with me forever. Remember when you first opened our gate all by yourself? I was so proud of you! How about when you walk by me going to work all the way to Dulong Bayan until I cross the street and ride the bus? Sometimes I had to throw a stone on you so you won't go any further. I will never forget as well when you pooped at the gate of our neighbor and I was asked to clean it the next day. Hahaha! That was funny because we thought no one seen us. Putol, you will always stay in my heart... No matter what."



On A Do-Nothing Day

My big appetite is back! Thank God.  I feasted two cups of rice from my yesterday’s lunch. It was actually a Friday lunch date with my girl friends – Zeny, Che, Lieo and Shie at Max’s Jupiter. That was a big lunch and a humongous catch up date with them.

Nevertheless, weekend is also the best time for me to take advantage of my hungry stomach. However, while thinking that I went home very late last night, Tatay didn’t wake me up even it was almost noon! Thanks to my cellphone, I didn’t burn my eyes. He took his lunch alone with the leftover Sinigang na Bangus I cooked last Friday.

I didn’t have plans for the day so it was just the TV, the foodie and me. ^_^v


I call this “Instant Meryenda” kasi I can cook this in 30 minutes!!! Adik ba? But it never gets old to me: nothing tastes as good as home-cooked food – just like my Arrozcaldo! Belaaaat! Please get used to this. I would never get tired of speaking about my love for lugaw & tokwa. Ayayaaaay! Saraaaap! I could even name my kid "Tokwa"!!!! Hahahaha! On a second thought... wag na lang pala. LOL 


Eto, this was last week.


Mais, anyone? Libre from Kuya Joel


Spanish bread and Coffee over Kenny G concert at Studio 23.


How was your own do-nothing day? :-) 


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

April-May-June Birthdays


Remember my month-long birthday celebration? Well, this is still kind of part of it, and more! Sheh, Gabu, Ate Lanie and I joined forces to celebrate our birthdays, following the first celebration when our friend, Melay, visited Manila.


Melay’s Visit and the First Quarter Celebrantion

Melay migrated to England few years ago to be with her husband, Clive, who is very dear to Angels. The mega visit was joined by celebrating the birthdays of Ate Malou, Ate Rina and Melay. The preparation was totally craaaazy! Hahahaha! How could I forget that? But it turned out perfect anyway. With the kiddie games -- sack race, hampas-palayo and pinoy henyo -- we enjoyed it so much and the pasalubong from Melay of course!

How nice to see out matching shirts :-D Pakulo yan ni Ate Lanie. I got mine for free + dog tag!


Second Quarter Celebrantion

I have to mention that the northen-ers were the first ones to arrive at Ate Lanie place – not the usual scenario. We used to be late every get together, but not on that day. Hahaha! Bakit nga ba?

The cake was awesome! It was gift from Melay and Clive.


Busog na busog nanaman ako, at may take out pa. Next is Madie’s birthday celebration!



Friday, July 15, 2011


I am so depressed today… 

When things get worst nga naman… it flows! Hayyy…

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bored Mode


When I’m bored, I tend to do a lot of things... so I love being bored! gulo ko :-D

I asked Jaimie to collaborate with me with this one. So Jamie, this is our work!!!!


The girl with the yellow off shoulder top is inspired by Silver (90210). The girl in white kamisa and leggings is my outlook this weekend. The one with blue tank top and girly skirt is inspired by Patty Laurel and the last one, which is my favorite LBD (little black dress), is inspired by Nikita! ^_^v


I really really suck on sketching feet and hands, so instead na magmukhang luya, I omitted them na lang. See, hindi masyadong halata? Hahaha!!!


What kept you busy lately?


Ilocos Video (1st Installment)

This video was taken from our Ilocos Norte trip :-)

edited by Joseph Guerrero