Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goodbye Clouds Of Gray, Hello Skies Of Blue

I never thought that this time will ever come to my senses, the time that I can already say and tell the world that I am ready to face the world alone (although I was a bit inconsistent about this thing, trust me). Forgiving and forgetting a very special someone who left me in the middle of nowhere and who has injured my heart so badly is, in fact, a very complicated process, for me I guess. I was blinded by the guilt feeling believing that I was never been a perfect partner at all, which made me feel the one to blame in that disastrous relationship. Somehow it destroyed my self-esteem and now I am still in the pursuit of my own self worth.


But everybody made mistakes after all…


I know that most of my friends and people who were around me already knew what happened to my so-called long-term romance, even though they were very silent about it. I guess they were just respecting my decision to be quiet. Others tell me that I should be open in discussing it with them but I really feel that it will not help me at all; it will just make me remember everything again and again.

A day from now, it’s another New Year coming and from the looks of it, my days and nights will be long, tough and surely cold. In my own experience, the year 2007 was not exactly a milestone year for me, but a year of learning, understanding and realization. It was my so-called darkest days in my life, where everything seemed to fall out in its right places (‘Yin’), but the lighter part of it is that I was able to create a personal journal like this one (now here’s the ‘Yang’!). The storm has not yet passed. No more wedding plans, no more bitter-sweet-funny yet memorable moments with my special someone, no more family plans with 5 (or more) kids, no more UK visa requirements to be submitted, no more white Christmas and most likely, I got no Valentine’s Day date. Y_Y

I bet 2008 will also blow and howl like this storm in my life, and may be tougher for me. I really really hope that I can still continue and sustain my momentum in the future. I have got no one to hold onto except myself.

No one knows what lies ahead, but bills and debts still have to be paid, groceries to be bought, projects to be finished, tears to be wiped, problems to be faced and no matter what, the world will tell us that it’s time to stop questioning why life can’t be perfect and it’s time to accept the way it is.

All I know, it is the right time for me to set my personal goals and get back on the right track, my track to righteousness, success and most of all, happiness…


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Leche Flan & Buko Pandan

Jellypotpot requested me to make Leche Flans for our New Years Celebration this year. And as promised, I did some good Leche Flan through the help of my nieces. I haven’t tasted the end product yet but from the looks, I think I made some good ones ^_^

Here’s the recipe:

Leche Flan (with the capital F, hehe)

12 egg yolks
1 can condensed milk
1 can evaporated milk
1 tsp of vanilla (you may use lemon zest
½ cup sugar (multiply w/ the no. of flat molds)

In a bowl, combine all the above ingredients except the sugar. Stir lightly so as to prevent bubbles from forming.

Put the sugar (no water) into a stainless steel flan mold. Caramelize in low heat if you don’t want it burnt. Do it in medium heat if you prefer it with a hint of bitterness like I do. Set it aside for few minutes or until the caramel hardens. Strain while pouring the custard mixture into the flan mold. Cover the flan mold and steam for about 30 minutes over low heat. Refrigerate. Serve it upside down on a platter.

I did make 4 medium llaneras and a large one.

I also prepared Buko Pandan this afternoon. I got the recipe from the back label of Carnation Condensada. I did have some fun while doing this because I was able to attain the taste and the aroma that I was looking for. One good thing, Sis Doll and I found this buko vendor along Olobama intersection so we had fresh shredded buko and the juice which makes the gelatin smell really good.

I made 5 medium plastic containers as you can see in the picture.

2 bars gelatin (green)
4 pieces pandan leaves
¼ cup sugar

4 cups buko water
1 cup CARNATION Condensada
1 cup buko, grated

Bring to boil the gelatin bars, pandan leaves, sugar and the buko juice. Put in a molding container until it hardens and cool down. Cut into strips. Toss the gelatin with condensed milk all-purpose cream and the shredded buko. Chill and serve.

Enjoy the holiday season!

On Monday, I’ll do the Sweetened Gelatin and Lumpiang Shanghai. Thanks to Dith BettyBoop for sharing her recipe of Lumpiang Shanghai. I already received her email just a few minutes ago.


Thursday, December 27, 2007

Start Of Something New

Programming has been part of my everyday life since college. Every time I do my stuff in programming, it exercises my brain to think and uplifts my mood in a different way whenever I would accomplish an objective… until I became assigned in project management, sort of.


Yesterday, I had a chat with Mr. V, and it was kind of embarrassing when I mistakenly perceived an image as something that it is not, well in fact, it was an icon for a new blooming programming language.


Here's Mr. V new avatar in his Window Live Messenger:

Meeyeow: movie time ka?

Mr. V: hehehe movie time?

Mr. V: bat mo nasabi?

Mr. V:  L:D

Meeyeow: kasi yung avatar mo :D

Mr. V: di naman movie yan

Meeyeow: hahhaha

Mr. V: napag iwanan ka na sa programming world

Meeyeow: ano ba yan?

Meeyeow: hahahaha!!!

Meeyeow: hahahah

Mr. V:

Meeyeow: ahhh

Mr. V: browse mo :P

Meeyeow: cge




Meeyeow: hahaha

Meeyeow: so free tong ruby

Meeyeow: Rails pala :D:D:D

Mr. V: yup :)

Mr. V: new prog language

Mr. V: innovative sya

Meeyeow: mukhang interesting

Mr. V: kaya kelangan mo nang mag innovate

Mr. V: natawa naman ako kala mo movie time ung icon ko hahaha

Meeyeow: hahahaha

Meeyeow: napahiya ako!

Meeyeow: kung natawa ka, napahiya naman ako.


I cooked Chicken Tinola for our lunch (I forgot to take some pictures of it) while reading my book. ^_^V


After ‘The Alchemist’, I am now reading ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and I agree that it is nice to balance my reading.



Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Whammy, Whammy, Bigyan Mo Ako ng Money!

Sigh…I can compare the way I earn and lose my money to a game show in GMA 7, “The Whammy: Push Your Luck”


It is funny how easy you get the money and more easy to lose it. I already lost my budget for the New Years Eve! If only I could revert back the times when I misused the money that I should be saving for the New Year Celebration, I shouldn’t have done that. Good thing I will be receiving a bonus this January, enough for me to use before the next payday.


I couldn’t refuse my niece, Jellypopot, to go to SM this afternoon because I already promised that to her few weeks ago. You know… promises to young kids are precious. I believe that I made her happy after the movie watching, arcade playing, pizza munching and shopping that we did. I can see her tiredness as she is sleeping on my bed right now, mouth open and drooling. ^_^


For now, I need to find low budget recipes for our New Year celebrations… no more big fountains and Sinturon Ni Hudas this year…



Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Project Management Seminar

Start:     Jan 23, '08 09:00a
End:     Jan 23, '08 5:00p
Location:     Makati
I am kinda rusty in my Project management Skills so I enrolled a seminarm together with Muriyama.

Flooney's Birthday

Start:     Jan 23, '08
Location:     Cavite
She's the youngest among my batchmates in ITCat Center. Happy birthday, Flooney! She's just turning 27 this day.

Batotoy's Birthday

Start:     Jan 7, '08
Location:     Burnaby, BC
My brother's special day!

Monday, December 24, 2007

A Month In CyberSpace

It has been a month since I started this blog site. I am so thankful that I have this site 

as my journal, my silent friend, my companion, and my mirror.


Happy Monthsary, Lazy Cat!



The Sadness Of The Season

I can’t believe that I am crying again right now, while other people very happy celebrating the holiday season with their love ones. I am really tired of crying.


Tatay is inside his room at the moment and I am here in front of my computer. Sis Doll and Cool Jo’s family is at Alapan with Nanay Pining’s family. They usually go there during Christmas Eve. They’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. Right now, the moon is full and very bright, the stars are few, the whole surroundings is quiet and no signs of hapennings in our house; I hear silence except for the sound of the electric fan here inside my room. ^_^v This long vacation will be as boring as ever!


Earlier today, I received a text message from someone asking if I was available to go out. Since I was really having nothing else to do today, I said I was free. Thank God someone asked me out today!; Though I already knew that this one more ‘Hello’ means another ‘Goodbye’ at the end of it, and I never know when the next 'Hello' will be...


We met at 3:00pm, asked me If I could help him out find some gifts for his brothers. After browsing items inside dept store, we end up buying nice Bench caps. Then we had early dinner at Pizza Hut, some small talks, and went up to watch Pasukob Movie.  Since it was a holiday, the mall advised that the closing time would be until 7:00pm. I didn’t realize how fast the moment was and it’s already time to go. Before he sent me home, we went straight to a drug store and bought Tatay’s medicine, then went to a supermarket to buy her sister’s ‘pabilin’.


Since I was worried that he would be caught by traffic going home, I told him not to send me home anymore, but he insisted. At the gate of our house, I was sad again; my chest was feeling so heavy and thoughts of another goodbye would be happening again, then I just cried. I couldn't get inside the house because I didn’t want Tatay to see me crying again. I stayed outside for a while and wiped my tears.


And now, just two hours away from the Christmas Day…I am alone and I am crying. Y_Y



Sunday, December 23, 2007


The Lazy Cat got stuck here at home with my computer, my book, my camera and food inside my room. Tatay went to a friend’s house so I am alone here again. I was thinking of going out somewhere… saan naman ako pupunta?


Kakatamad pala. Sound trip na lang ako…. ;)



Saturday, December 22, 2007

It Was A Blast

ITCat Center’s Year-End Party last night was absolutely perfect! It was a b-l-a-s-t! I pity those who weren’t able to come. I was in UK last year that’s why I wasn’t able to celebrate with them. So I told myself that I had to enjoy myself with this year’s celebration. ^_^


I was on official leave yesterday so I went straight to the 888 Restaurant, while ITCat Personnel were taken by the La Salle Bus to the venue and my place is just 10 minutes away to the venue. The party started at 4:45pm and hosted by one of the organizers, Kered. Though he was not prepared, he still made a good one. Snowbell was supposed to be his partner but she refused.


The party was jam-packed with a lot of fun games, presentations, videoke challenge (where I was unluckily selected to sing!), gift givings, picture takings and extremely funny moments, though I did enjoy the food that much. Our group won in the cloth flipping game and the banana-egg-rolling relay.


One of the highlights of the party was the ITCat Awards. I bagged the Bungisngis Award and Ms. ITCat of the Night. Hahaha! I beat Flooney this year for the the Bungisngis Award. ^_^v


How can I forget the Video Challenge!? We were planning to set up Raed to be one of the songers but she paid too much attention in drawing of the contestants, and so that’s why we had no luck of picking up her name from the lots, resulting to Zero, Barry Boy, Snowbell, Me and Prue to be the challegers. Left with no choice, I picked up “Your Love” by Jim Brickman and Michelle Wright. Barry Boy was the chosen winner who sang “Maskara” by Eraserheads.


I was quite satisfied with the gift I requested from Barry Boy, though the mouse pad is not the one I was imagining but it satisfies my purpose of having my calloused palm to have a resting place. The pillow was too small for my back but it comes with this cute design so I may like it in a different level.


The bash was not complete without posing and picture takings. I think everyone got their own camera to capture the fun moments. I brought my camera phone but I took 4 photos only, my purpose was only to be photographed and not to be the photographer. ^_^v


After the party, Flooney, Raed and I stayed a bit longer chatting with Infinity. I missed the old conversations and laughs with Infinity, just like what we did that night. She provided the red wine and some breathtaking, hilarious, censored stories of her love life. Hayyy, I am missing Infinity…


After the 888 Restaurant fun, my girls stayed the night in my place.

We slept with smiles in our faces ;)



Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Early Christmas Presents

As I came in to my office this morning, I was very surprise to see a Recipe JOURNAL with my name on it. I already guess that it was from Raed, and I was right. Then Fred also gave me a Sanfo Treats Original Caramel Apple soon after. A few minutes later, Flooney came and gave me a box of macaroons! There was really a shower of gifts! I kinda felt guilty because I really have no plans of giving gifts this Christmas because I am saving for something really big. But maybe I can stretch my budget a little…


And that was not the end of it because Henry Boy’s wife cooked Pansit Canton and Pandesal for ITCat Center. Everybody was very happy especially during picture taking with our very own OJT, Dennisah.


Actually, I already told Raed what if I just donate some raffle items like pillow on our Christmas party tomorrow instead of giving something to each of my 31 officemates. Maybe I can check out SM department store for the raffle items.


At lunch time, we had a free lunch courtesy of Prudence. She got her bonus and everyone was teasing her to take us somewhere and treat us for lunch. And she did ^_^. Even though it was already 1:00pm, we still went to SM City Dasma. We shared Chowking Salo Meal 1 & 2. We went back to the office at around 2:30pm.


When I came to my office, I saw a gift from Horhe. Raed and I had Tahong Chips wrapped in cute yellow packaging.


Thanks to everyone who gave me presents even though I was not expecting to receive any from them. Happy Holidays!



Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Cat’s Mind-Numbing Holiday Programme

I want to share my ever boring schedule this holiday season. Booking online is very much welcome.



December 22, 2007 (Saturday)

Just stay home.


December 23, 2007 (Sunday)

Go to church. Just stay home.


December 24, 2007 (Monday)

Celebrate 1st Monthsary of my blog site!


December 25, 2007 (Tuesday)

Dinner at Andy’s House. It is her birthday on this day, and so is Shadow.


December 26, 2007 (Wednesday)

Just stay home.


December 27, 2007 (Thursday)

Just stay home. Go to church.


December 28, 2007 (Friday)

Just stay home.


December 29, 2007 (Saturday)

Celebrate Angel’s Party at Shadow’s Mansion

(Oops! as of press time.. this event is cancelled. So just staying at home)


December 30, 2007 (Sunday)

Go to church. Just stay home.


December 31, 2007 (Monday)

Go to wet market. Prepare food. Celebrate New Year’s Eve at home.


January 1, 2008 (Tuesday)

Just stay home.


January 2, 2008 (Wednesday)

Just stay home.


January 3, 2008 (Thursday)

Just stay home. Go to church.


January 4, 2008 (Friday)

Just stay home.


January 5, 2008 (Saturday)

Just stay home.


January 6, 2008 (Sunday)

Just stay home.



Chicken Sopas

Last night, I went straight to SM mall after work to buy some macaroni noodles, black pepper and mangoes. I was planning to cook Chicken Sopas that night. In the mall, people were already having their Christmas shopping rush because the mall was visited by so many shoppers. The long lines in the ATM booth and cashier sections were unbearable. I was forced to withdraw money from my ATM because I was getting paranoid again about ATM machines during Holidays season… they run out of money!


Two years ago I did a hard time getting my money from my DBP ATM card. Online transactions were not working. That was on the day of the New Year’s Eve celebration. From that experience, I told to myself that I will withdraw money from my ATM earlier before the Holiday vacation. So even I was on the tenth from the queue, I waited till I got my Holiday budget.


When I got home, I finished my dinner and prepared everything for my Chicken Sopas Recipe. This recipe is my all-time favorite talaga! I still remember my mother used to have this recipe in her small carinderia(restaurant). Of course, my food was free. Nanay was a great cook. That was one of her talent as a mother. Even a simple dish could be as delicious as an expensive menu! Too sad, I’ve only few memories of Nanay… I don’t know, it feels like I was not that close to her. Maybe I’ll write something about this some other time, but for now I will show you my very own Chicken Sopas Recipe!


I might not have done the right way but the end product tasted great! (hahaha! - “Luto Ko, Kain Ko”) .Everyone is encouraged to comment on the recipes I post here. Remember I am not a real chef or something hahaha!


Here's my Chicken Sopas




½ kilo chicken (chicken breast is best, but any part should be okay. I used wings.)
3-4 cups water
1 small onion, sliced
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp cooking oil
1 cup small shell pasta (elbow, you can use spaghetti pasta)
1 carrot, cubed
1 stalk celery, sliced
1/2 cup shredded cabbage
1/2 cup milk
salt and pepper
1 tsp fish sauce (patis)




1) Boil the chicken in the water the salt and pepper.
2) Once the chicken is cooked, take it out of the water to shred or to slice. Set aside the shredded chicken and the stock.
3) In a large saucepan, heat the oil. Saute garlic until slightly brown, add the onions then add the shredded chicken.
4) Add the chicken stock.

5) When the liquid boils, add the pasta. Just add water because the pasta will zip the liquid. Make sure that there’s liquid left for your Sopas.
6) As soon as the pasta is already softened (but not too much), add the carrots and celery. Stir.
7) Add the shredded cabbage. Keep stirring.
8) Slowly add the milk and keep stirring.

9) Taste the Sopas and add some salt/patis/pepper if needed.


It took me about less than an hour to cook everything including the chicken stock.

I ate a bowl of my Chicken Sopas before I went to bed. Yum! I texted Sis Doll to get some for their breakfast the next day.


Then at my breakfast this morning, I also ate my Chicken Sopas. Yum! Hehehe.


So Enjoy your Chicken Sopas!


Here's the picture at the stove



Monday, December 17, 2007

Cat Can Cook

I am thinking about a new hobby… Cooking!


I want to keep myself busy this holiday season. Although I am gaining some weight again, so cooking shouldn’t be on my list… but hmmm never mind, it is fiesta time and besides there's no one for me to show off my sexy figure! Hehe.


Raed promised to give me a cooking magazine tomorrow. And also I am thinking about changing my wish gift into cook book instead. Hehehe. (Lagot ako sa Daddy ko ^_^v pabago bago ng isip) Maybe as birthday gift na lang next year. Whaatt?! My birthday is coming again??? (Change topic!)


When I visited SM supermarket last Thursday, I bought some ingredients for my Sopas except the macaroni. I left it in my list because I was in a hurry that time and I forgot to check the ingredients on my cart. Maybe I will just buy tonight.


I am really not in the mood to write today…



Sunday, December 16, 2007

Beef Tapa

I have this new addition to my site. This corner will showcase some recipes I do at home. I am not a professional cook and most of the recipes that I will share here are just products of my very imaginative mind or copied from my Nanay and my sisters’ recipes. I only have a chance to cook food at home during weekends because usually on weekdays I go home very late.


Today, I will share with you my own version of beef tapa.





3 to 4 cloves of garlic, chopped

1 cup of vinegar (for every..)

¼ kilos of beef sirloin



Sugar (optional)




1. Put the sirloin into a bowl.

2. Add on the garlic, pepper and salt to the meat and mix it using your hands. In this way, the flavour of the garlic, pepper and salt will embrace the meat.

3. Pour the vinegar and marinade for a minimum of 12 hours. (I did four hours only.)


If you want to cook it right away:

4. In a frying pan, put in the marinade. Let it simmer for 30 minutes in a very low heat.

5. Once the marinade solution is about to evaporate, put in some cooking oil and fry the meat until tender.


Here’s another way to do it:

4. Sun dry the slices.

5. Fry.




New Year!

Start:     Dec 31, '07
Location:     Home
Saddest New Year ever!

Regular Sunday

It is Thanks Giving Day today and so we went to church this morning. I wore the brown cute skirt I bought in Divisoria last time which I partnered with my favourite sexy blouse. I was living in fear since yesterday that Mr. V might not attend the worship service this morning. After the service, I texted him asking if he came, and thank God he did.


I cooked Sinigang na Sugpo for lunch. Well, here in our home, Sunday is Sinigang Day! But I had to cut off some carbs this week. I am getting fat again. Centrum is already working in my system. 45 kilos was my lightest within this past three months. I think I am around 48 kilos now. I am aiming for 50 kilos till New Year.


At miryenda time, Jelly and I made some hamburgers while Cool Jo bought Coke. And that was just a great miryenda for us. Then we watch NBO movie, Secret Window of Johnny Depp, then followed by Independence Day of Will smith.


I cooked beef tapa for dinner and at the same time as my baon (packed lunch) for tomorrow.


It is Monday again tomorrow, another week of adventures ;)



Saturday, December 15, 2007

So Close And Still So Far

 Meeyeow hate to say “Hello” because she knows at the end of it is saying “Goodbye”.


I keep telling everyone that I am fine and alright, though I really should be happy right now but I still feel sad and empty…


Mr. V and I decided to watch True Faith Band’s Concert last Friday at 888 Fishing Village and Restaurant. I had to wait for him because he still had a meeting at work to finish before he can leave the office. He texted me, around 9:00 pm, that the meeting just finished and then told me to wait for him in an hour. Earlier, I saw on the news that the southbound road was already building some heavy traffic due to early Christmas rush so I doubted that he would be coming on time. In fact, he arrived at 10:30 pm. Then after I dressed up, we headed straight to 888. To enjoy the moment, I suggested that we walk going to the hi-way and then just took a bus going to Covelandia Road. I couldn’t remember anymore the things that we talked about while we were walking under the moonlight but definitely those were happy ones.


The band already sang 2 songs when we arrived. The seats were quite full but Infinity managed to get us a nice place. Thanks Infinity ^_^v. She was asking me if both of us already got back together and I said no. I know she is not happy to what is going on between Mr. V and me.


Hungry and starving, we ordered Sinigang na Hipon, Crispy Pata, and 0ne bucket of San Mig Lights. We were actually planning to get drunk that night and we did :D I couldn’t even get myself straight to the comfort room because of the wooziness. The band was great and we enjoyed their music very much. “Perfect”, “Muntik na Maabot ang Langit” and “Dahil Ikaw” were some of their timeless songs they did. After the concert, we stayed for quite some time with Infinity. Then we went home at 3:00 am. I asked him to stay till the sun came up because it was not safe anymore to go home straight to Trece Martirez City that time.


I felt so wonderful that night; I would say the feeling was “parang naka drugs”. Hehehe. Whenever I was with him, I got very high. But as I have said, there would be another goodbye at the end of it. We were so close yet he was still so far. I could hold him physically... but his heart, his mind and the way he speak was pushing me away.


We parted the next day at SM Bacoor. Earlier,  Mr. V took me for a movie, The Golden Compass, and a dinner at Shakey’s Pizza. I beg him not to take me home that night for I didn’t want him to see me cry again. The wonderful moments have ended and so I have to say “Goodbye” again…


Trivia: I had a first time today. It was my first to walk at the mall where my eyes were filled with tears.



Thursday, December 13, 2007

1st Blogging Monthsary of the Cat

Start:     Dec 24, '07
I started blogging last November 24, 2007. This was the start of an exciting work of art for me. ;)

The Cat Receives A Student License Again

We went to LTO (Land Transportation Office) in Kawit this afternoon to apply for our Non-Professional Driver’s License. I was with Horhe and his Aunt who helped us to get our license fast and easy (you know, under the table). I think Horhe’s Aunt is working at LTO Bacoor Chapter. Unfortunately, LTO in Bacoor doesn’t issue Non-Pro license, only Student and Professional.


Horhe drove his brand new black Mitsubishi Lancer, a birthday gift for himself. Both of us were quite nervous because none of us was having a valid license to go out on the road! I put on my seatbelt and he guaranteed to me that the air bag is properly working. Hehehe :D


At LTO, just after we get out of the car, a lot of “fixers” rushed to us asking if we needed some help. Aunt said ‘no’ and we immediately went to the first station. After the drug test and the medical examination which cost us 350 pesos, we went to the document validation section (which sadly I failed). The officer told me that my student license was already expired so I need to get another one. Without a choice, I applied for a student license again. Anyway, next month I could apply for non-pro and Horhe said he will go with me again.


See you LTO people again next month! Thanks to Horhe for driving me to SM Bacoor. Then I went to supermarket ;)



At the releasing station...


Releasing Officer: may jacket (license plastic casing) ka na ba?

Meeyeow: Ay, wala pa po.

(I said I don't have any plastic casing yet though I already got one from my previous license!)

Releasing Officer: Eto.

Meeyeow: Thank you po.

Releasing Officer: Twenty pesos yan.

(I suddenly stopped getting one!)

Meeyeow: Naku, meron na po pala ako! Eto po oh. (I showed him my existing plastic jacket)

(akala ko naman libre...)


Hehehe ^_^v


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What's Inside Your Bag?

Have you visited a site where it has a bunch of pictures showing people’s stuffs inside their bag? Well, it made me interested to show mine :D


I am a bag person nowadays. I couldn’t go out without a bag. It feels like my get up is not complete without bringing even a small hand/pouch bag. This was totally opposite of me during my college years in La Salle where I was only putting my money inside my pocket and that was it! Sometimes, I don’t even bring a ball pen. (Thank God I survived college!)


Right now, I already own 20+ bags excluding those I have given away already to Sis Doll. My favorite bag right now is a golden silver NEXT bag I bought in UK. Inside it I got 2 pouch bags. The pink one is where I put my make ups and the white one for my cards and cash. Before I learned how to segregate my things, I just put everything inside the bag. But that was so messy, especially when my lipstick cap just got loosed accidentally.


This is what makes me happy about being a G-i-r-L!


By the way, i was using my K800i camera phone to take the picture that's why you can't see it in the photo ^_^v


A Nice Pillow To Lean On

My back is always aching during afternoon. I don’t think my new chair is as comfortable enough as the last. That’s why I need a pillow like this charming one.


My physical body needs a pillow and so is my emotional condition. It feels like my mind and my feelings need a resting place letting my tired being to have a short break. I just want to be free, even just for a while, from pressures here at work and at home.


Here's a nice poem by DREAMS_BOY4EVER about tears fell on a pillow and it goes something like this...


Last night before went to bed
Thoughts of you filled my head
I have not cried this way in many of years
Onto my pillow fell six silent tears

The first was for your smile that I miss
And your tender lips I long to kiss
The second was for your gentle face
And thoughts of your loving embrace

The third came as no suprise
As I thought of your beautiful eyes
The fourth came rolling down my face
Instead of my pillow, it should be you in it's place.

The fifth came for one reason alone
I felt my love for you wasn't fully shown
I really love and miss you my dear
And there just fell...the sixth silent tear


Happy Crying! :D