Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Whammy, Whammy, Bigyan Mo Ako ng Money!

Sigh…I can compare the way I earn and lose my money to a game show in GMA 7, “The Whammy: Push Your Luck”


It is funny how easy you get the money and more easy to lose it. I already lost my budget for the New Years Eve! If only I could revert back the times when I misused the money that I should be saving for the New Year Celebration, I shouldn’t have done that. Good thing I will be receiving a bonus this January, enough for me to use before the next payday.


I couldn’t refuse my niece, Jellypopot, to go to SM this afternoon because I already promised that to her few weeks ago. You know… promises to young kids are precious. I believe that I made her happy after the movie watching, arcade playing, pizza munching and shopping that we did. I can see her tiredness as she is sleeping on my bed right now, mouth open and drooling. ^_^


For now, I need to find low budget recipes for our New Year celebrations… no more big fountains and Sinturon Ni Hudas this year…



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