Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A Nice Pillow To Lean On

My back is always aching during afternoon. I don’t think my new chair is as comfortable enough as the last. That’s why I need a pillow like this charming one.


My physical body needs a pillow and so is my emotional condition. It feels like my mind and my feelings need a resting place letting my tired being to have a short break. I just want to be free, even just for a while, from pressures here at work and at home.


Here's a nice poem by DREAMS_BOY4EVER about tears fell on a pillow and it goes something like this...


Last night before went to bed
Thoughts of you filled my head
I have not cried this way in many of years
Onto my pillow fell six silent tears

The first was for your smile that I miss
And your tender lips I long to kiss
The second was for your gentle face
And thoughts of your loving embrace

The third came as no suprise
As I thought of your beautiful eyes
The fourth came rolling down my face
Instead of my pillow, it should be you in it's place.

The fifth came for one reason alone
I felt my love for you wasn't fully shown
I really love and miss you my dear
And there just fell...the sixth silent tear


Happy Crying! :D



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