Saturday, December 8, 2007

Simple Words (Part I)

“If only those simple words were said….”


How can you hold on to someone when that person just gives you more than enough reasons not to? Is it a test of love? Or just hints that you can’t really be together forever? Is there such thing as forever anyway?


I just had an official date after almost one and a half months. My date and I had a wonderful dinner and a nice light-hearted movie.


While we were inside the car, my mind was just as busy as a bee thinking what to say, asking my self what to do next or how to react. He was talking to me but even simple words won’t come out from my frozen lips. Actually, I couldn’t stop myself not to get emotional again but things just made me feel sad because I am still living from the memories of the past and that past is special no more.


I’ll try hard to recall all those thoughts that were running from my mind. As far as I remembered, here are some :( subconscious thoughts were in Italics):


-          “Meeyeow, don’t cry!”

-          “No, I’m not crying….I hope you know how to make me stop.

-           “I am crying because I am hurt every time you make me feel that in the end there are no us anymore.”

-          “I don’t need material things, I need you!

-          “All good memories are still inside my heart, those are what keep me holding on.”



….It’s 12:00 midnight and I am so sleepy, I’ll post the rest of the story tomorrow…promise!


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