Monday, December 3, 2007

When I Say Sorry, It Means "It Was My Fault"

When it rains, it pours. I could not anymore count the broken relationships I am into right now. Family, friends, and some people I treasure most in my life. I wrote a letter to my sister who got hurt after our phone conversation last Thursday.


She’s a loving mother, a model sister, and a best friend to me. She is tough and always fighting what she thinks is right yet has a soft heart for her love ones. I couldn’t let her birthday pass (on December 06) that our misunderstandings not being discussed and resolved. That is why, I wrote her an email yesterday and it goes something like this.




BettyB, Hello :)


I’m sorry about last time on the phone. I know how irritated you are to me until now; but trust me I don’t have any intentions or anything to disregard your feelings.


First and foremost, it was a huge misunderstanding between us about my actions towards you as being a part of my Bison application. I have no intensions of making you feel blamed or anything similar to it because it was never like that. I was so focused on that application that time. I really shouldn’t have felt that if ever I email you, you might think that I was pushing you to follow up my application. Where in fact I should have just said hello and told you what was going on to me and the rest of us down here. It was already been done and let me say sorry. I mean it. Sorry talaga.  I know saying sorry is not enough para mawala yung galit mo dahil matagal mawala yan.


You were the reason why I had that opportunity. You were the one who helped me to get there in the first place. Thanks to you and kuya, I was using all your resources in order for me to pass all the requirements. And until now, it is you who worked so hard in following it up. Forgive me for hurting your feelings and for all the things that I haven’t done which I was supposed to.


About us not telling you what’s going on between Mr.V and I, is our decision. We are just going through a process to repair things up in our relationship specially those things that were just doing routinely. It was like every week is just the same week as the last. So in order for us to change something, we had this arrangement that we won’t see each other but we still have our communication. As I’ve told you, I learned a lot of things through this and I also have patched things up with Tatay. I am doing things that I haven’t done to him while my center of attention is on Mr. V. I know my family will be one of those who will be first hurt with the idea of our separation but we both have our own equal doze of contribution with this. Please don’t get hurt and have false thinking that I was ignoring you, my family, in my life.


From now on, again, I’ll give you updates on what’s happening to us here in the Philippines. Thanks for understanding. Your anger may not subside on one shot but I am hoping you will lose it someday.


Give my regards to Bro Reg and KJ. Tell them not to get angry with Mr. V because he hasn’t done anything wrong to me.


 God bless you and let's all hope that things fall right into places. Thanks.




I haven’t received any reply yet, but I am still looking forward for our reconciliation.


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