Monday, December 10, 2007

Five Years Ago

This month is the last one for year 2007. Few days from now, I have to welcome again another year in my life, another chance to spend my life in this world. I believe I am still lucky to be where I am right now. I am 27 years old but it feels like I haven’t achieved anything yet.


Have you ever wondered what your dreams years ago were? Those were the time when you were much younger, when you were still not very interested onto looking forward to what future might be… Well, I do. I just feel sorry for myself that I should have written what I dreamed of those times so I could know if I had achieved or reached what I have dreamed of.


Five years ago, I was 22 years old then, just graduated from college a year before. It was already my second year as being part of ITCat Center. That time, I wasn’t really sure if I was good in my field, which is programming, but definitely was never the worst (hmmm…maybe a little closer to worst: D). I got a lot of terrifically jolly friends and had my very first boyfriend. Life was too simple then. I could still remember that I only worry about was to own my very first cellphone. ^_^v But seriously, five years ahead is a very long chapter to worry about. But as far as I can remember, that time, I was already thinking about having a family at my age right now.


As years go by, my priorities became different. At one point in my life, I was obsessed with trying my luck abroad. I was dreaming of leaving the Philippines and permanently staying in another country… with my very own family. To have at least 5 kids was also one of my dreams because I grew up from a family with few siblings. Five years ago, these were my dreams but none of them I ever achieved.


Now, it is my time to dream about my future, five years from now.


The year will be 2012. My age is 32 by that time, cannot to be seen anymore in the calendar as they say…Am I still blogging in this site? :D I really want to have my own family by then, a contented family. I want to be  d-e-s-t-i-n-e-d  as a loving wife and nurturing mother to my kids. It really makes me smile every time I would visualize this in my mind. I believe that dreams do come true. It is just a matter of choosing the right direction.


"Five years from now, am i still breathing?…"


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