Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Chicken Sopas

Last night, I went straight to SM mall after work to buy some macaroni noodles, black pepper and mangoes. I was planning to cook Chicken Sopas that night. In the mall, people were already having their Christmas shopping rush because the mall was visited by so many shoppers. The long lines in the ATM booth and cashier sections were unbearable. I was forced to withdraw money from my ATM because I was getting paranoid again about ATM machines during Holidays season… they run out of money!


Two years ago I did a hard time getting my money from my DBP ATM card. Online transactions were not working. That was on the day of the New Year’s Eve celebration. From that experience, I told to myself that I will withdraw money from my ATM earlier before the Holiday vacation. So even I was on the tenth from the queue, I waited till I got my Holiday budget.


When I got home, I finished my dinner and prepared everything for my Chicken Sopas Recipe. This recipe is my all-time favorite talaga! I still remember my mother used to have this recipe in her small carinderia(restaurant). Of course, my food was free. Nanay was a great cook. That was one of her talent as a mother. Even a simple dish could be as delicious as an expensive menu! Too sad, I’ve only few memories of Nanay… I don’t know, it feels like I was not that close to her. Maybe I’ll write something about this some other time, but for now I will show you my very own Chicken Sopas Recipe!


I might not have done the right way but the end product tasted great! (hahaha! - “Luto Ko, Kain Ko”) .Everyone is encouraged to comment on the recipes I post here. Remember I am not a real chef or something hahaha!


Here's my Chicken Sopas




½ kilo chicken (chicken breast is best, but any part should be okay. I used wings.)
3-4 cups water
1 small onion, sliced
2-3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp cooking oil
1 cup small shell pasta (elbow, you can use spaghetti pasta)
1 carrot, cubed
1 stalk celery, sliced
1/2 cup shredded cabbage
1/2 cup milk
salt and pepper
1 tsp fish sauce (patis)




1) Boil the chicken in the water the salt and pepper.
2) Once the chicken is cooked, take it out of the water to shred or to slice. Set aside the shredded chicken and the stock.
3) In a large saucepan, heat the oil. Saute garlic until slightly brown, add the onions then add the shredded chicken.
4) Add the chicken stock.

5) When the liquid boils, add the pasta. Just add water because the pasta will zip the liquid. Make sure that there’s liquid left for your Sopas.
6) As soon as the pasta is already softened (but not too much), add the carrots and celery. Stir.
7) Add the shredded cabbage. Keep stirring.
8) Slowly add the milk and keep stirring.

9) Taste the Sopas and add some salt/patis/pepper if needed.


It took me about less than an hour to cook everything including the chicken stock.

I ate a bowl of my Chicken Sopas before I went to bed. Yum! I texted Sis Doll to get some for their breakfast the next day.


Then at my breakfast this morning, I also ate my Chicken Sopas. Yum! Hehehe.


So Enjoy your Chicken Sopas!


Here's the picture at the stove



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