Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What's Inside Your Bag?

Have you visited a site where it has a bunch of pictures showing people’s stuffs inside their bag? Well, it made me interested to show mine :D


I am a bag person nowadays. I couldn’t go out without a bag. It feels like my get up is not complete without bringing even a small hand/pouch bag. This was totally opposite of me during my college years in La Salle where I was only putting my money inside my pocket and that was it! Sometimes, I don’t even bring a ball pen. (Thank God I survived college!)


Right now, I already own 20+ bags excluding those I have given away already to Sis Doll. My favorite bag right now is a golden silver NEXT bag I bought in UK. Inside it I got 2 pouch bags. The pink one is where I put my make ups and the white one for my cards and cash. Before I learned how to segregate my things, I just put everything inside the bag. But that was so messy, especially when my lipstick cap just got loosed accidentally.


This is what makes me happy about being a G-i-r-L!


By the way, i was using my K800i camera phone to take the picture that's why you can't see it in the photo ^_^v


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