Sunday, December 16, 2007

Regular Sunday

It is Thanks Giving Day today and so we went to church this morning. I wore the brown cute skirt I bought in Divisoria last time which I partnered with my favourite sexy blouse. I was living in fear since yesterday that Mr. V might not attend the worship service this morning. After the service, I texted him asking if he came, and thank God he did.


I cooked Sinigang na Sugpo for lunch. Well, here in our home, Sunday is Sinigang Day! But I had to cut off some carbs this week. I am getting fat again. Centrum is already working in my system. 45 kilos was my lightest within this past three months. I think I am around 48 kilos now. I am aiming for 50 kilos till New Year.


At miryenda time, Jelly and I made some hamburgers while Cool Jo bought Coke. And that was just a great miryenda for us. Then we watch NBO movie, Secret Window of Johnny Depp, then followed by Independence Day of Will smith.


I cooked beef tapa for dinner and at the same time as my baon (packed lunch) for tomorrow.


It is Monday again tomorrow, another week of adventures ;)



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