Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Dog Whisperer

I could only wish that I got a chance to watch this National Geographic series “The Dog Whisperer” before I let go of Putol. The poor dog has been away from our home since last year. I have been silent about it because it really saddens me that I had to let him go. Tatay sent him to our cousin’s house because we could not control his behavior anymore. I have spent at least P10,000.00 on rabies shots for the people he has bitten. The neighbors were worried and us too! Yes, we had gone through those and it was really terrible. As owner, I had full responsibility for my dog… I thought if I keep him, I could lose everything.


He started acting different after he was badly rolled by a bicycle, accidentally/deliberately – I was unsure. He would horrifically bark at each person passing our house except for any member of the family. He also got his obsession at the sound of a basketball being dribbled on the floor; it just got him annoyed at an instant! I really had this feeling that the person/persons who wronged him could be from a basketball game nearby, riding on a bicycle. I don't blame them, Putol is a very tough dog. They could have just protected themselves. He is very muscular, even his voice is very intimidating. He could nail the female dogs that he wants. But deep inside, he is sweet and caring.

For two weeks now, I enjoy watching this show. The program “Dog Whisperer” airs on weekdays at around 4:00PM on Nat Geo channel. Last Sunday, it aired a marathon in preparation for its second season on August. The show is very positive. It really gives you an idea on how to handle dogs correctly, discipline them more so. At each episode, the Dog Whisperer itself, Ceasar Millan, says “There is no dog that is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate dogs, I train people”. He really does!


It was amazing that I tried the discipline tricks on my new dogs, Chu-Chu and Cha-Cha, and it worked! They know who the pack leader is now (and that’s me). Hehehe!

He was a birthday present to me when he was still a two-month old puppy, wrapped on the big round box. That was so sweet... Because he has this shorter tail than any dogs have, I named him Putol ("short"). He was very sweet to me since then but those things happened.


A bad news came just yesterday, I learned that Putol was handed over to some dog syndicate for a price – you know what I am talking about; sila yung nakatricycle na malayo pa lang, tinatahulan na ng mga ibang aso… My cousin couldn't handle him as well, then sold Putol and he’s now gone forever.


"Putol, we have lots of good memories together and I will take them with me forever. Remember when you first opened our gate all by yourself? I was so proud of you! How about when you walk by me going to work all the way to Dulong Bayan until I cross the street and ride the bus? Sometimes I had to throw a stone on you so you won't go any further. I will never forget as well when you pooped at the gate of our neighbor and I was asked to clean it the next day. Hahaha! That was funny because we thought no one seen us. Putol, you will always stay in my heart... No matter what."



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