Monday, April 28, 2008

A Case Study: The Laundry

I did my own laundry yesterday. Waaaa! Ate Marissa came to our house early in the morning and saw me doing her job. I just told her to take a rest and come back after two weeks. I was really thinking about what Baby James told me last time that our dear ‘labandera’ is a bit overpaid. I used to pay P300.00 for a two-week labada of Daddy Demz and mine, so P600.00 per month.


He told me that they were paying P29.00 for every kilo of clothes and then I did the math! Susmaryosep! My P300.00 is equivalent to 10.34 kilos. How on earth can we consume such numbers clothes for only two weeks? You know, my Daddy Demz is a home buddy… he sometimes wear the same clothes two days in a row. (Sorry Tatay...)Waaahaha!


I realized that I was paying her in this rate for how many months now. (I bet why she’s been so loyal to me since week one. Hahaha!)


Right now, I still don’t know yet what to do. Am I going to continue paying her with my original rate? or tell her that I am paying a little bit over and I need a rate rollback :D? or should I just do my own laundry? Honestly, I would love to clean the house, wash the dishes, clean the bathroom… except for doing the laundry (but with the exception of using the suuuper automatic laundry like what they used to have in UK –the one that you just need to plug the water supply and that thing will do the rest up until the ironing job, of course with the uninterrupted supply of electricity). Friends, help me.


Lastly, if she doesn’t agree with my terms and then I decided to terminate her, do I need to give her a separation fee???? Waaaaaaa.


(This is really touch uh! A lot more tougher than my problems with Mr. V! Waaahahahaha!)



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