Monday, April 28, 2008

Money In, Money Out

After the back-aching laundry work in the morning yesterday, Jellypotpot and I went to SM Supermarket carrying with us the grocery list made by Daddy Demz. The price of rice is totally upsetting!


But before the grocery, we went straight up to the shops where we indulge our eyes with shoes, clothes and accessories. I told Jellypotpot to tell me what she really likes to have and I’ll buy it for her. She wasted no time and blurted to me ‘bathing suit’!!!!


We went to the teen’s section and I found this two-piece cutie little swim suit which she also liked the design. After paying at the counter, we went to Tom’s World and wasted some more money. Hahaha! The next stop was at Pizza Hut (Jellypotpot’s request)


I spent P4000.00 in this episode. I am still in angst until now about the price of rice and other grocery items. ‘Butas na ang bulsa kooooo’.


I got nothing so much about this entry aside from forgetting Jellypotpot’s swimsuit and pizza for Jaja at the baggage counter. Good thing, Cool Jo volunteered to go back to SM and get the items.



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