Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Heat

What a tiring day; I think it was the travel time: 2 hours for the bus trip from Makati to Batangas Port and another two hours for the boat trip from the port to the island. I am not recommending the boat trip for those who have a heart attack and fear of very BIG waves. I think I just shout continuously throughout the trip. Hahaha! But it was really exciting.


I was so surprise that Sir Angel, our VP for Asia Operations, was with us in our summer outing. And even much surprising that anyone could talk to him casually and sometimes he was the one initiating the conversation. Two pogi points for Sir Angel. :)


I have got this new favorite game: the foosball. It was so fun playing with Big Mike, Sir Randz and Gems. I am really thinking right now buying one for me ^_^. This game really made my arms and back exert some work I also brought my UNO cards and everybody got hooked playing for hours.


I bought pasalubongs for my family like buko pie, turones, sweet sampalok from batangas and shirts from Galera.


This is my first summer getaway for 2008 and a memorable one :) thanks to the WrapTrac Team and Sir Aram's Team :D


"Live your life to the fullest!"

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