Monday, May 26, 2008

Life Is. . .

I was invited by a friend to comment on his blog entry and here’s what I got:




Hi, Mr. V! What a good start you have. I know this is just a “patikim” and surely will soon be a “kabubusugan” by your readers. . .


To spice things up, let me give you my comment on this entry – {parang blog within a blog, hehehe}


Life Is Not A Game


We often compare life, or certain aspects of it, to a game. In fact, we usually hear such words and lines in many poems and song lyrics in different times. It is already a well-known saying that we no longer question the statement anymore.


But do our lives just comparable to games? If life is a game, then who wins? Who loses? Do you consider me as your opponent? Does it have to be that way?


In order to win a game is to stay within the boundaries of the rules that define it. Once these rules are laid down to us, of course the choices are up to us and must be done freely towards some goals. But in the latter part of the game, the chances to win are based from our previous moves or judgments. With our urge to win the game, we make our last move (most likely to be predetermined), not out of free choices but for the need to win.


When we were very young, we “play{ed}” something spontaneous, unstructured, and random and free. That is what childhood is all about. Even when we get older, we simply choose our path {or move}, regardless how hard/easy that decision was, not knowing the rules. Then it would no longer be called a “game” because rules must be define in any games. So life is not like how we understand what a game is.


Life shouldn’t have to be what the other player does, who will win, or who will lose …it is more than that.


Life is indeed beautiful; we just have to appreciate it.



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