Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Brand New Series

The year has reset itself at exactly “00:00” this morning. The dark sky above was filled with astonishing fireworks displays in all directions; sounds of the firecrackers echoed through the whole country with loudness and, I felt very wonderful.


I wasn’t able to open my site yesterday because of my busyness in the kitchen. But nevertheless, I have got few things to emphasize in this entry tonight. First, not a single day is similar to any day has past or one that has to come. In every single moment, every course of our actions is distinctive; just like believing that an orange fruit is different from any other oranges that exist in the whole world: its shape, its colour, its size or even its taste. Although I spent the New Year’s Eve with the same special people in my life since many new years back, last night is definitely different from all the rest. What makes it more exciting was that I expected less but then I received more! Everything happened was somewhat unplanned yet the outcome was quite very satisfying. I am not against in ‘good planning’ but sometimes one must be engaged in the beauty of just “following one’s heart”.

Second, time is NOT gold; it is priceless. Considering that life is just too short, each moment must be executed with passion. I am turning eight and twenty this year and I cannot say until when I am going to live in this universe. My life clock is ticking endlessly.


Third, before the 2007 ended, BettyB and I reconciled with our recent conflict. She called me and we talked like nothing seriously wrong has happened. As if the anger I heard that day on the phone was just a dream. She told me about her plans of visiting us here in the Philippines this coming May and their celebration in UK last Christmas. This is really something special for me.


Fourth, the book, The Orange Girl by Jostein Gaarder, that Mr. V gave as a very special Christmas present for me is a fantastic book! I just finished reading the book this afternoon. I think the book has moved me in some ways that deepened my thoughts about life. I couldn’t stop myself to turn the pages on because the story really excites me. The book teaches a lot of lessons in life and I even cried at pages 97 and 136.


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He held both of his hands in my cheeks and whispered to me…“Hey, be strong.”

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… Now below are citations from our game ‘pinoy henyo’. I was the one guessing:










(Kuya Joel at the distance showed he was in acting like swimming)












“Oo” (Everyone was shouting at me!)


“Nasa Pilipinas?”



South China Sea?”



Indian Sea?”



“Nasa Luzon?”



…A lot more wrong guesses at this point. Then I saw Cool Jo got back from inside of their house with beach towel and acted as if he got fine sand from the ground! Hahaha! Cool Jo couldn’t resist to give me hints because I couldn’t guess it right for quite too long :D



Everyone is shouting…”OO!”


Whewww! Ang tagal non! :D



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