Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Week Of Silence

I intended not to write anything on my diary since last week. It was not that I don’t have anything to write about my life, but it was because I want to tell the whole story in one piece.


An opportunity came to me on that one night, some months ago. Infinity told me about a job opening in the City and asked me if I want to try it out. Coincidentally, a few more months ago, I was actually updating my resume and it was like I was preparing for a job application (but not really). Then Anna Banana gave me a phone but I dropped it because I was in the middle of worship service that time. Then she sent me a text message about the job opportunity. She said she could do the technical interview right away.


I planned not to go to work the next day to prepare myself for the technical phone interview. Then the interview was okay but I was not satisfied with my answers. :D Hehehe. The next interview was scheduled the same day at 2:00pm. I admit I was not prepared because my first appointment was at 5:00pm, and then became 3 hours earlier… whaat? But of course I didn’t have the right to refuse :D.


I wore my best business attire :D and rushed myself to print copies of my resume. (I just realized how printer is important!) And another time consuming event was looking for the building. I admit I am a certified “probinsyana” and I don’t know anything about places in the City. But thank God I found it, 30 minutes late though. As I arrived at the lobby, I was advised to go to the interviewing room immediately.


Actually, although I was very nervous before the actual interview, this was already my second time. The first was my job interview in London City last year. So I just told myself that I will be alright, just trust myself and be confident; considering that I passed my first interview before with an English man and so I can make this one too.


I just said everything I had to say. And good thing, I was able to answer all the questions. Based from my evaluation, I did great! :D and then after the interview, we went back to the lobby and I was advised to fill out some forms and according to the HR, then next stage will be another phone interview with a client PM (Project Manager) from US!


And so I got nervous again! Hahaha. The call was scheduled a week after at 10:00pm. I prepared myself by creating some mock questions for myself and I tried answering those questions as well as I could. I reviewed my resume if ever the interviewer would be asking me about my skills. I even read the company profile on their website. And then I went from the office early so that I could warm up a little at home. But it was already 12:00 midnight, yet I received no phone call =(. The next day, Anna Banana told me that she send another invite to the PM. I was actually hoping that this last stage would happen that night so that I would never feel that butterfly in my stomach the whole day. The next interview schedule was Wednesday at 1:00am (that was 10:00 am in the US). But series of unfortunate events happened…


That same night, Melay went to place and brought some food. She came to give me the CD that contains songs for Flooneys wedding. And at the same time, she stayed with me so that I won’t be missing the phone call of my interviewer. Then at 11:00pm she waved goodbye and said her good lucks to me. The funny thing was she forgot to give me the CD and I missed the phone call! As I moved the phone handset inside my room, I accidentally pulled the cord from its connection. Sadly there was no dial tone. I missed the call for the second time!


The next day, I said my apology to the HR and asked if I could ask for another appointment. And she did send another invite and the new schedule was Thursday at 10:30pm. The nervousness went down. I prepared my resume on my side and I watched the television while waiting for the call. At around 10:45pm, my cell phone rang and the caller id showed an international number. The interview went great and I even said before I hanged up, “Thank you and I hope to meet you someday”. Nakss! And he said, “Oh yes, of course!”. Hahaha!


Then I waited for the result the next day until Anna Banana called me on my cell phone and told me the good news :D. I passed the interview! The next stage will be the job offer with the salary negotiation…


I know this is not just a new opportunity for me but also a life changing decision that I made. I failed so many times trying my luck abroad; I even faced a disastrous love life too. This decision is something that I consider as a risk. I am risking my life in the roughness of the City, in the hands of new strangers, in the circumstance of a new job. Though I am excited but part of me still asking myself if this is what I really wanted. I know that if the time comes that I really accept this new job, there would be no turning back.


But part of me saying that I can do this and it is time for me to move on and take another chance in this world. I am always asking the good Lord to guide me in this new journey and I can’t do anything good without Him helping me.


This is the start, the start of a new chapter.



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