Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Cat Is In-Charge

I just finished washing our dirty clothes. My back is still aching right now. The last time I used the washing machine I think was three years ago. Our labandera resigned last month so I have no choice but to do the washing.

While washing, I managed to cook Sinigang na Tanigue for our lunch and prepared marinade chicken for our dinner. I will go to church later so I need to cook it earlier.

I still got five days left before I go to work next week. I need to relax and spend more time pampering myself :D. Good thing I was able to accomplish some of my target activities on my list. (Wait, let me open a word document. I created this list last October 2007).

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October 5, 2007


To Do List


1.        Have a room make over. I want an orange wall paper and red furnishings.

2.        Learn how to prepare new recipes

3.        Build my walk in cabinet

4.        Buy a new television

5.        Dress up and shop

6.        Buy a Persian cat


Wish List


1.        Appreciate every little thing

2.        Continuously enhance my management and programming skills

3.        Go to some places for three days.

4.        Join a group or an organization

5.        Save money for my future

6.        Get drunk with someone

7.        Spend time with my best friend

8.        Marry the one I love


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Sorry for some very emotional and disturbing entries :D I created this when I was still in emotional shock. The items in orange text were the ones I already accomplished and that will be 8 out of 14. Well, not bad since I completed over 50%.

The orange wallpaper and red furnishing didn't materialize but I did like my room design now. Raed gave me cooking magazine so i tried the Chicken Salpicao one time but I didn't follow the right ingridients so it turned out tasting Chicken Adobo. Hahaha! The walk in cabinet was quite unfinished but I did turn the room next to me as my dressing room. I transferred the large cabinet from this room and all my clothes to the empty room next to mine. I am to give more walk-in cabinet look to the other room maybe on my next payday. I was able to do my to-do list number 5 last month after I received my 13th month pay. I think I have spent almost 10k just for my personal stuffs.

The difference between my to-do list and my wish list is that the latter may not be required for me to accomplish. My to-do list is more feasible than my wish list.

I learned how to appreciate every little thing in my life in a hard way, in a very hard way. People around me became visible enough for me to see that they are my reasons to smile and be thankful. I did go to Tagaytay and stayed there for three days and did some crazy stuffs ^_^. I even get drunk with some people twice. Now I know how it really feels to get drunk :D At the same time, I already know my limitatons; I can only tolerate 3 Sam Mig lights in a row. And lastly, I was able to spend time with my best friend in a different way. We went to the same places we have been but felt differently now in every single moment. Maybe it's because of the 'yearning' factor. But on the other hand, I am still in doubt if I do have a real best friend...

I will update my list once completed.


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