Saturday, February 28, 2009

February Is Over



Movie weekend. My wait is over. Tomorrow, I am very sure that You Changed My Life movie is going to fill up my afternoon with so much kilig! Hehehe. The theme song with the same title has been my personal anthem since December 2008 especially on our videoke nights. :D


Fine dinner. We had our dinner earlier at Mom and Tina’s Bakery CafĂ© in the corner of Perea and De La Costa St. in Makati. The place is quite homey for me. I also liked the chicken baked macaroni and blueberry cheesecake we ordered. This is still part of our ‘Pay Day Dinner Out’ gimik where we visit restaurants of our choice. We usually bring packed dinner everyday, so twice per month is good enough to spend few more bucks in a fine restaurant. Last pay day, we dined out to the newly opened North Park along L.P. Leviste St. Our next target is Terry’s, a Spanish restaurant also along L.P. Leviste St.



Sizzling summer. I got two summer outing invitations. One is a Caramoan trip and the other is yet to be discussed to me. I already confirmed my attendance in Caramoan on March 13, I heard and read a lot of good things about this place. I will be joining amateur photographers including Gems. The other invitation was from my La Salle ex officemate. I can't believe it is already the third month oh the year. Summer is really here!



Holy Sunday. I am going to attend our church special occasion on Sunday. It is time to reflect and ask forgiveness to all my sins this past year.


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