Sunday, December 16, 2007

Beef Tapa

I have this new addition to my site. This corner will showcase some recipes I do at home. I am not a professional cook and most of the recipes that I will share here are just products of my very imaginative mind or copied from my Nanay and my sisters’ recipes. I only have a chance to cook food at home during weekends because usually on weekdays I go home very late.


Today, I will share with you my own version of beef tapa.





3 to 4 cloves of garlic, chopped

1 cup of vinegar (for every..)

¼ kilos of beef sirloin



Sugar (optional)




1. Put the sirloin into a bowl.

2. Add on the garlic, pepper and salt to the meat and mix it using your hands. In this way, the flavour of the garlic, pepper and salt will embrace the meat.

3. Pour the vinegar and marinade for a minimum of 12 hours. (I did four hours only.)


If you want to cook it right away:

4. In a frying pan, put in the marinade. Let it simmer for 30 minutes in a very low heat.

5. Once the marinade solution is about to evaporate, put in some cooking oil and fry the meat until tender.


Here’s another way to do it:

4. Sun dry the slices.

5. Fry.


