Saturday, December 22, 2007

It Was A Blast

ITCat Center’s Year-End Party last night was absolutely perfect! It was a b-l-a-s-t! I pity those who weren’t able to come. I was in UK last year that’s why I wasn’t able to celebrate with them. So I told myself that I had to enjoy myself with this year’s celebration. ^_^


I was on official leave yesterday so I went straight to the 888 Restaurant, while ITCat Personnel were taken by the La Salle Bus to the venue and my place is just 10 minutes away to the venue. The party started at 4:45pm and hosted by one of the organizers, Kered. Though he was not prepared, he still made a good one. Snowbell was supposed to be his partner but she refused.


The party was jam-packed with a lot of fun games, presentations, videoke challenge (where I was unluckily selected to sing!), gift givings, picture takings and extremely funny moments, though I did enjoy the food that much. Our group won in the cloth flipping game and the banana-egg-rolling relay.


One of the highlights of the party was the ITCat Awards. I bagged the Bungisngis Award and Ms. ITCat of the Night. Hahaha! I beat Flooney this year for the the Bungisngis Award. ^_^v


How can I forget the Video Challenge!? We were planning to set up Raed to be one of the songers but she paid too much attention in drawing of the contestants, and so that’s why we had no luck of picking up her name from the lots, resulting to Zero, Barry Boy, Snowbell, Me and Prue to be the challegers. Left with no choice, I picked up “Your Love” by Jim Brickman and Michelle Wright. Barry Boy was the chosen winner who sang “Maskara” by Eraserheads.


I was quite satisfied with the gift I requested from Barry Boy, though the mouse pad is not the one I was imagining but it satisfies my purpose of having my calloused palm to have a resting place. The pillow was too small for my back but it comes with this cute design so I may like it in a different level.


The bash was not complete without posing and picture takings. I think everyone got their own camera to capture the fun moments. I brought my camera phone but I took 4 photos only, my purpose was only to be photographed and not to be the photographer. ^_^v


After the party, Flooney, Raed and I stayed a bit longer chatting with Infinity. I missed the old conversations and laughs with Infinity, just like what we did that night. She provided the red wine and some breathtaking, hilarious, censored stories of her love life. Hayyy, I am missing Infinity…


After the 888 Restaurant fun, my girls stayed the night in my place.

We slept with smiles in our faces ;)