Thursday, April 24, 2008

Farewell Party

Ms. Rome is leaving for US tomorrow. She is assigned as On-Shore Project Manager at Nashville. So as despedida, we had dinner at North Park in Ayala.


The place is quite small (but bigger than Persia Grill in Valero) for the lots of people visiting the restaurant. We went there at around 7:00 pm and it was dinner time so we waited for 30 minutes before getting free tables.


The food is great. I love the beef with broccoli dish and the yang chao. I had two rounds of the yang chao.


But most of all, it was the presence of the whole team that made the night special. The stories, jokes and punch lines are so memorable. Thanks to my Sony Cybershot camera phone, these moments were saved. Truly, Ms. Rome will be missed. She will be working there for a year and hopefully the rest of the team will join her soon after Ha ha ha ha.

One year is fairly long. Many things can happen. Maybe by that time, the team is already assigned to other projects; maybe my hair is shorter; or maybe I have a new boyfriend or even married or maybe I am happy being single. No one knows but that is something that I look forward to…