Saturday, May 24, 2008

I Just Turned Six

It’s been six months since I started blogging here in Though I am not consistent in posting an entry everyday as I promise to myself, I still manage to update my journal at least twice a week. This is actually my 71st entry. @_@ Wow! Happy Monthsary...



Blogging is really one of the safest additions ever!


My writing kept me happy when I was in my saddest, accompanied me when there was no one else around me, and inspired me to reflect on my life when the twist of fate was terrible. The last time I could remember writing on a journal was in high school. It was a year-long project. I think the purpose of that journal was to serve as a reflection of my high school days. Bad thing I don’t know where it is right now. I just hope will still be around as long as I am alive, able to write and browse the internet. ^_^



I still got a lot of pieces of writings that I did not post as an entry. I still considered those as very personal thoughts for my eyes only. I am just keeping them in my computer. Maybe someday, I’ll be able to get the drive and motivation to share them with you.



Of course, more happy and sad thoughts, more reflections, more events for me to write. 


This is my life...