Friday, December 19, 2008

I Don't Need Plans, I Just Need My List


While everybody talks about their up coming vacation next week, ako naman I’ll talk about my list for 2009 so I can look back at this post by next year and see if these really happen.


v      Save money. It feels good when you get something from fruits of your labor, and you know that you really exerted effort to save that amount. You, and the people you loved most, appreciate it and are happy about it.

v      If things fall right into its places, I’ll make the life changing decision in my life, I think I am ready.

v      Enroll in a dance class, I’ve got classmates already.

v      Collect wines.

v      Reveal the greatest secret of my life to someone.

v      Gain weight.



Last year, below was my list. Let’s see if I accomplished any. Items in black are those unaccomplished on my list. Not bad! Yey!


October 5, 2007


To Do List


1.        Have a room make over. I want an orange wall paper and red furnishings.

2.        Learn how to prepare new recipes

3.        Build my walk in cabinet

4.        Buy a new television

5.        Dress up and shop

6.        Buy a Persian cat


Wish List


1.        Appreciate every little thing

2.        Continuously enhance my programming skills

3.        Go to some places for three days.

4.        Join a group or an organization

5.        Save money for my future

6.        Get drunk with someone

7.        Spend time with my best friend