Monday, February 23, 2009

My Weekend


Winning the Bowling Tournament. Raed and I went home with smiles on our faces from our mini bowling tournament last Sunday at Robinson’s Place. Everyone who promised to come was present and I was the last one to arrive. As I entered the room, my little inaanaks welcomed me as they looked at the gifts I brought for them. There Tinay’s little Madie, Ate Lan’s Pauline, Ate Rina’s Gabu and Antuah’s Adriel and Aidan with their respective Daddys.


The five teams includes the 4 couples and ‘all the single ladies’ (that’s Me and Raed!) are partners :> I just stick to my slow and straight technique to hit the bowling pins using the pink ball ^_^ and it worked! We won a Jollibee blowout (what do you expect when you’re with kids?) with 207 points!






DVD’s lined up on my rack. I just started collecting original DVD’s this year and it is making me crazy. Whenever I hit Odyssey or AstroVision, I could not resist buying one. DVD’s are my savior especially when I need some time away from my work. Last night, Love Wrecked movie with Amanda Baynes made me excited about summer.





Colds almost away. I do not have to worry about sleepless nights anymore, no more sneezing and clogged nose. I think in few more days, I’ll be okay.