Friday, May 21, 2010

Talking In My Sleep


What the fuzz!?! This has been creeping me out! Jelly told me I TALK when I sleep since last week. Hahaha! Excerpts from my alleged “sleep talking” (LOL)



Meeyeow: “huaaaah…”

Meeyeow: “oo, hinde”

Meeyeow: “nene, bibi, abby?”

Meeyeow: “1,2,3,4,5,6,7 … 1,2,3,4,5,6,7”



The first two lines happened last week, the rest were last night. It is very weird that I don’t remember anything about these words or anything that I have a dream related to any of these! Hahaha! Weird talaga. Tiredness I guess.



I told her to talk back, and I might say Lotto numbers as well. :D