Saturday, June 5, 2010

School Time!


School is opening again soon and the “Tita” in me roused to provide the school supplies for the kids. I always do this for my nieces, Jelly and Jaja. This is a yearly thingy for me, but this year is much special because I am including my cousin’s kids: Nene, Nonoy and Bibi.


I love these kids. Even though they were just busy the whole summer playing outside, they could really cheer me up in different ways. They have been a dose of fresh air to me everyday.


As kids, they love to play – with a lot of fights in between, but then again playing more afterwards. Sometimes I join them. I could play Chinese garter, hide and seek, UNO, Monopoly, or Pictonary with them. My inner child is always alive when I am with them.


They also love to dance and make their own dance moves!


When I cook, these kids are always invited during eating time. I would set up our table in the front yard and call them afterwards. They would tell if the food taste good or not! Trust me, they are genuinely honest when it comes to food. LOL! :-D


I love barbeque and marshmallow parties at night. I would ask them to wear pajamas and gather at my place for the party. And they are always game for this.


We do not talk about love life or job security but I somehow enjoy chatting with them. We would talk about deserts, junk foods, their rivals and sometimes about ghosts.


Summer is over again but I hope they still find time to do their weird stuffs that makes me agree with Edna St. Vincent Millay’s saying that, “Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies”.


As a gift to them, I gave them the basic things they needed for school. During my student years, I got very fortunate enough to have both of my sister buying all the school supplies I needed.. I am just sharing the blessings now…


  Give me some medals on March 2011, okay?