Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Let's Toast The Diary's 3rd Anniversary!

Not so long ago, I started this “exciting” personal blog site (I have to say it and love my own! Hmp! Che! Ha-Ha) out of desperation to keep myself very busy. Three years after (that’s today! Yebaaaaa), I am still here, wasting your time again, but more desperate to write an entry because I am so busy with other things. Pero hindi ko to pwedeng palalampasin, hindi pwede!!! I never thought keeping this with my awkward working hours but I did it! Yey! This diary has been there throughout my three-year journey of self-determination and independence. It was awfully amazing how my life turned a full 360 degrees around – in fact, a different me. Every experience was unique, and each became a life-long lesson to learn and this diary is helping me to remember all of it.


I was a follower of a blog for quite some time before I started my own. I spent hours of my day reading her blogs and somehow, her random stories inspired me! (So wherever you are… you moved me!) Oh how can I forget my very first post (circa 2007)? It was a survey with cutie-questions about life. I answered them all my heart, probably crying my eyes out while doing it Ha ha ha, especially the banana split question. Weeee ^_^


Given a chance to live back the day I decided to start writing here, I will probably do it over again without having a second thought!


I am looking forward to continue blogging and to celebrate more anniversaries!

The name is still timely; I am still lazy, so lazy...

I am dedicating this celebration to my love ones and friends for allowing me to have such wonderful experiences to share.

Thanks to you for wasting your precious time to drop by and visit here.

Thanks to you for making me feel that you are enjoying yourself reading my kadramahans ^_^v Merci!


Thanks to you for celebrating yourself with me! Tagay tayo!

Happy 3rd anniversary to my online diary!!!