Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sbarro Spaghetti Meat Sauce: Close Clone



I just had a day of rest yesterday, filed sick leave, slept half of it and then went online through the rest of the day, getting more and more addicted to Farm Town. I kept on typing then I realized it doesn’t exist. :D


I also started playing Sorority Sister and I’m now at level 13! While waiting for my crops to grow, I glam, socialize, attack other sororities, go to the spa – name it, you’ll have it to be popular and very influential :D


Sbarro Spaghetti Meat Sauce: Close Clone


Finally, my wish to make my own version of Sbarro spaghetti meat sauce has been granted. My forgetful mind remembered every single ingredient when I was in the grocery. The recipe is just simple; you only need to have the following:



Olive Oil



Ground beef




Tomato in Can




Just sauté onion, garlic, parsley, oregano, pepper, salt and beef. Pour tomato sauce, water and put mushroom. Simmer for 30 minutes. That’s it! Ay hindi pa pala, do not forget the pasta :D





My one and only fan did enjoy the spaghetti! Her two thumbs up is more that enough for me to be happy and plan for my next recipe… four cheese pizza!



My neighbor cousins, and Sister Dolls family also enjoyed the spag!


New Umbrella


My one year old brown umbrella did not survive the winds earlier this afternoon while we were on our way to the grocery. Yay! Bumaligtad na, nabali pa.The Fibrella sales lady told me I could bring the broken umbrella at their service center in Cubao and have it fixed for free if I still have my receipt. Of course I don’t have it anymore! I don’t have any choice but to buy a new one. Brown is out, blue is in.


DaddyDemz Real Farm


Last Thursday, I went home late, wet and hungry. I travelled from the office for over two hours. The typhoon just passed Mabolo II that night and when we woke up the next morning, Tatay’s crops were already flooded on the nearby empty lot. He was actually preparing for my Sister’s homecoming to show off his corns, banana and most of the vegetables in Bahay Kubo, but because of the typhoon … :(