Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chicken Tinola Sure Hits The Spot On This Cold, Rainy Day


Thank God, flood has finally subsided today. I checked the roads and pretty sure that it could be passable this day. Glad I was allowed by my bosses to work from home yesterday because aside from the non-stop rain the other night, it was high tide!

Well today, instead of frowning about this gloomy weather, I welcome this stormy day with the goodness of warm soup just the way I like it – CHICKEN TINOLAaaaa!



Unfortunately, we have one BIG problem… I forgot to cook the rice! Grrrrr!!!!!!!! T_T Good thing Tatay is calm unlike me, and said “Ako na magsasaing”. Lab u, Tay! It is 12 noon… and as of this writing, we are still waiting for the rice to be cooked. Hehehe! Kainis :-D

Happy lunch everyone!