Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sbarro Spaghetti Meat Sauce: Close Clone



I just had a day of rest yesterday, filed sick leave, slept half of it and then went online through the rest of the day, getting more and more addicted to Farm Town. I kept on typing then I realized it doesn’t exist. :D


I also started playing Sorority Sister and I’m now at level 13! While waiting for my crops to grow, I glam, socialize, attack other sororities, go to the spa – name it, you’ll have it to be popular and very influential :D


Sbarro Spaghetti Meat Sauce: Close Clone


Finally, my wish to make my own version of Sbarro spaghetti meat sauce has been granted. My forgetful mind remembered every single ingredient when I was in the grocery. The recipe is just simple; you only need to have the following:



Olive Oil



Ground beef




Tomato in Can




Just sauté onion, garlic, parsley, oregano, pepper, salt and beef. Pour tomato sauce, water and put mushroom. Simmer for 30 minutes. That’s it! Ay hindi pa pala, do not forget the pasta :D





My one and only fan did enjoy the spaghetti! Her two thumbs up is more that enough for me to be happy and plan for my next recipe… four cheese pizza!



My neighbor cousins, and Sister Dolls family also enjoyed the spag!


New Umbrella


My one year old brown umbrella did not survive the winds earlier this afternoon while we were on our way to the grocery. Yay! Bumaligtad na, nabali pa.The Fibrella sales lady told me I could bring the broken umbrella at their service center in Cubao and have it fixed for free if I still have my receipt. Of course I don’t have it anymore! I don’t have any choice but to buy a new one. Brown is out, blue is in.


DaddyDemz Real Farm


Last Thursday, I went home late, wet and hungry. I travelled from the office for over two hours. The typhoon just passed Mabolo II that night and when we woke up the next morning, Tatay’s crops were already flooded on the nearby empty lot. He was actually preparing for my Sister’s homecoming to show off his corns, banana and most of the vegetables in Bahay Kubo, but because of the typhoon … :(


Monday, July 6, 2009

Round is ... Foxy!

Although we were a little disappointed since the third Ice Age movie isn’t in IMAX yet, I still enjoyed watching it in 2D. I think “Dawn of the Dinosaurs” is the best among the three series. The movie is “cute”,”sweet” and really emphasizes the idea that a family is a thing of great value.


We waited on the long queue for 15 minutes until we reach the ticket booth, good thing there were enough marshals to organize the lines and prevent sneakers. I think movie goers were crazier over Transformers because five minutes before the screening time, the Ice age 3 cinema was still half empty when we arrived.


(Spoilers alert!) Meet Buck, a new character to enjoy, the one-eyed heroic weasel that help the original characters to save Sid! I love the flying dinosaur scenes.


Most of the action takes place in the lost world Jurassic Park beneath the ice which Sid discovered. I enjoyed the “laugh epidemic” scenes with Manny, Diego and the two possum with their “helium voices”.


Kids will really love the movie. It might not be the most exciting movie this year, Up and Harry Potter is also on top of my list, but this is a nice way to spend an hour and a half with your family and friends.



Wimbledon Championships


10:00pm.          It’s Roddick(6) and Federer(2) this time. DaddyDemz is watching outside while I am here inside my room because at the same time, I am playing Farm Town.


11:00pm           Watching with DaddyDemz at the living room. Federer is going to lose! Waaaaaa.


12:44am           This is the first time I have watched a set to reach 8-8, usually it’s only 7-6.


12:46am           Natulog na si Tatay. Ninerbyos na. hahaha. Bumalik na ako ng kwarto.


12::48am          Tying again at 9-9. Ano ba yan!


12:50am           10-9. One more and Federer will win! SIsigaw ako ng “Peaches!” pag nagkataon.


12:53am           10-10!


12:55am           11-10!


01:01am           11-11!


01:03am           12-11! (Matulog na kaya ako?)


01:06am           12-12! Susuko na yata ako.


01:07am           Matutulog na ako.


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Kids Do Crazy Things

When I was a child, according to my parents and siblings, I always bang my head on the floor or any hard surfaces inside our house whenever I did not get what I want. Maybe that gave me this pretty wide forehead. Hahaha! Being the youngest in the family, probably, I really loved the attention. But actually, I couldn’t even remember doing this head banging thing.


Jaja stuck a tamarind seed in her nose when she was three. She never told anyone until her mom noticed that there was something unusual with her shape of her nose, and then she finally said what she did. My sister suspected that the seed was there for more than a week because Jaja sounded like having baradong ilong for quite some time.



JellyPotPot and Karla, cousins, would always give my brother a heck of a headache when they were younger. One time, Kuya had to go somewhere, he drove his car, but without his knowledge, the two cousins sneak in at the back of the car while he was still inside our house. And then after a while, he was really shocked when the two came out and shouted, “Surprised!”.



Dave’s Nicca would say “Wiwi!” right after she has done the deed.



Che’s Derek doesn’t want to color a girl drawing because according to him, he’s a boy! He would only color a boy drawing.



Wawa’s niece sprayed cologne on her classmate’s eyes. Hahaha!



Kids do crazy things or should I say they do things that make us crazy. Anyone would like to share?