Saturday, July 4, 2009

Kids Do Crazy Things

When I was a child, according to my parents and siblings, I always bang my head on the floor or any hard surfaces inside our house whenever I did not get what I want. Maybe that gave me this pretty wide forehead. Hahaha! Being the youngest in the family, probably, I really loved the attention. But actually, I couldn’t even remember doing this head banging thing.


Jaja stuck a tamarind seed in her nose when she was three. She never told anyone until her mom noticed that there was something unusual with her shape of her nose, and then she finally said what she did. My sister suspected that the seed was there for more than a week because Jaja sounded like having baradong ilong for quite some time.



JellyPotPot and Karla, cousins, would always give my brother a heck of a headache when they were younger. One time, Kuya had to go somewhere, he drove his car, but without his knowledge, the two cousins sneak in at the back of the car while he was still inside our house. And then after a while, he was really shocked when the two came out and shouted, “Surprised!”.



Dave’s Nicca would say “Wiwi!” right after she has done the deed.



Che’s Derek doesn’t want to color a girl drawing because according to him, he’s a boy! He would only color a boy drawing.



Wawa’s niece sprayed cologne on her classmate’s eyes. Hahaha!



Kids do crazy things or should I say they do things that make us crazy. Anyone would like to share?



  1. syempre di ako papatalo.. kagabi lang habang kumakain ako narinig ko si pauline, "Ay... sorry Tatay, nahipo ko bird mo!"

  2. hahahaha!
    hindi na ako nag tataka, mana sa ina. Ate lanie, i miss you.
