Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I Dreamt of Snakes Last Night



According to the Dreams Dictionary (, snake in dreams is:


1. An ancient symbol of transmutation. The dreamer will soon undergo a vast inner change that will be reflected in her outer life. If the dream is a positive and uplifting one, then good times are ahead. If the dream is a scary one, the times ahead may still be good ones, but the dreamer needs to be very careful of pitfalls along the way.

2. An even more ancient symbol for the Great Goddess. If the dreamer is a woman, then she will soon come into realization of her power as a woman. If the dreamer is a man, especially if he is single, a very powerful and exciting woman will soon come into his life - though she may not be a potential love partner.

Astrological parallels: Scorpio, Pluto
Tarot parallels: The Tower, The Empress


Ano daw? Hehe.


Actually, in my dream, those black snakes, not just few but many of them, are crawling on the bed directly under my back as if my body was lifted few inches from the bed. It was weird that I was somewhat floating while I sleep. I absolutely hate snakes, well, second to flying cockroaches. I feel danger when I see wild snakes, however its meaning tells otherwise.




I am not complaining but I guess I am getting towards that! Waaa :’( I don’t know if it is just an ordinary human behavior to complain when there are tons of things to do while deadlines are nearly coming -- and complain even more when there is no task even for just a day.


Unfortunately, I am a project-less employee for a week. I hate to admit but I think,,, and are getting their highest share of hits on our network today. My eyes are restless, forcing me to fight sleepiness while reading the texts I see on the screen.


Last week, I was lucky enough to be given a small task by other team. For three days, I was occupied by learning this new task because I have no experience using the tools prior to this task, taking care of the permission issues on the QA server and other related tasks which gave me some sort of excitement to sneak in to my favorite work-unrelated sites from time to time.


I just hope this is not a bad sign for me… no work.



Friday, October 2, 2009

Emergency Numbers For Your Reference


" God receives your prayer call direct."


Rescue Operations

National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC)

(+632-9125668, +632-9111406, +632-9115061, +632-9122665)
Help hotlines: (+65 734-2118, 734-2120)

Philippine Coast Guard


Air Force

(+63908-1126976, +632-8535023)

Metro Manila Development Authority


Marikina City Rescue

(+632-6462436, +632-6462423, +632920-9072902)

Pasig Rescue Emergency Number


Quezon City Rescue


San Juan City Hall Command Post


Bureau of Fire Protection Region III (Central Luzon) Hotline:


Philippine National Red Cross

(143, +632-5270000)

Philippine National Red Cross Rizal Chapter operations center hotline:

(+632-6350922, +632-6347824)

Rubber boat and chopper requests


(+632-8383203, +632-8383354)

You can also text (+632917-4226800 or +632927-6751981) for rescue dump trucks.

Power supply concerns

Meralco (+63917-5592824, 16211, +63920-9292824) If you want service cut off to your area to prevent fires and electrocution.

Cellphone services

FINDERSERVICE. For Smart, text wis to 386.

FINDERSERVICE. For Globe, text find to 7000.



Thursday, October 1, 2009

Almost Close To A Well-Planned Dinner



I wonder why Warren’s body is so lean although he’s surrounded with great cooks in his family. His birthday dinner treat was awesome!


I had to cancel some plans, Mike went to office early and Jeff even ate his packed dinner during miryenda time to give way to his birthday dinner – and was worth it. We just received the invites just after lunch. Jeff was generous enough to use his car on our way to Warren’s place. I had to text him because nobody among us knew the right directions, even the name of the street. Thanks to the power of mobile phones, we arrived at his home in no time, but had to pick him up along Vito Cruz Ext. The birthday boy waited us there wearing his most comfortable outfit: sando shirt and basketball shorts. As Dave said, “kita ko na! mukhang bugaw ang dating ah.”, while Zeny joked, “wag natin papasukin, mukhang pulubi”.


As we entered his house, Cutie, his little-overweight brown dog with eyes-like-begging-to-hug-him look, welcomed us with his tail waggling endlessly with his body. There his mother, wife and relatives busy preparing the table for us. Few more moments, we were all gathered around the table, very much ready to munch, and aside from our growling stomachs, lots of food in front of us shouting “eat us!”, we only have limited time because we just escaped from the office for an hour dinner break.



I felt I need to jog after that dinner, while Dave almost had a good night sleep on the sofa after a good meal. Hehehe. That two rounds of rice contributed a lot, I guess. Nothing beats Crispy Pata! Sigig, Tofu with broccoli, salad were also served. Of course, the best part was the kwentuhan over the ice-cold coke!



I wasn’t able to try the a-l-i-m-a-n-g-o, hipon, spaghetti, pansit and lumpiang shanghai because there were no more room inside my stomach. So Warren, if you could bring some more in the office, please do :D



Ron, Gems, Ariel, Pem you missed the fiesta!



I wonder how Zeny would share her birthday to us. Hmmmmm. :D