Wednesday, October 14, 2009



I am not complaining but I guess I am getting towards that! Waaa :’( I don’t know if it is just an ordinary human behavior to complain when there are tons of things to do while deadlines are nearly coming -- and complain even more when there is no task even for just a day.


Unfortunately, I am a project-less employee for a week. I hate to admit but I think,,, and are getting their highest share of hits on our network today. My eyes are restless, forcing me to fight sleepiness while reading the texts I see on the screen.


Last week, I was lucky enough to be given a small task by other team. For three days, I was occupied by learning this new task because I have no experience using the tools prior to this task, taking care of the permission issues on the QA server and other related tasks which gave me some sort of excitement to sneak in to my favorite work-unrelated sites from time to time.


I just hope this is not a bad sign for me… no work.




  1. ma'am chet, enjoy the free time.. :)

  2. kung pede ang facebook sa office malamang hindi ka magrereklamo hehehe

  3. korek ka dyan, ruby. ngayon naman nagpatong yung task na binigay sa akin. hahaha. (reklamo nanaman :D)

  4. natumbok mo, ron! hahaha. kung hindi blocked ang Facebook, malamang wala kayong maririning na kahit ano sa akin. hahaha.
