Tuesday, May 5, 2009

20's Last


Is my birthday really just a week away? I am actually turning twenty nine but I can still feel my age has stuck at twenty four. Why twenty four? I do not know exactly but maybe because it is the age where I realized that I am not getting any younger. This will be my last birthday in my 20’s! :D Okay, anyway … I guess it is time for me to pull myself back together and try my best to write this blog entry in a more serious way as I am suppose to … I really will.


Here we go…



At this point, I want to believe ages are just numbers. You know, maybe some nineteen-year old, or younger, could have more understanding about life than I have. It is totally different when you gone through it yourself. Nothing can replace the lessons you learn from life experience. I am a late bloomer, I would say. I react even on simple things very delayed. My personality would sometimes nail me to digest ideas for a long time before any driving force would come into me. I still find myself holding back from doing things I want to do because I am afraid. And most of the time, I am not a risk taker.


My eldest sister used to tell me when I was in my early teenage years: “At your age, I was already working and taking care of you; I had to exert extra effort to continue schooling because I had to work…” Each of my siblings has their own different stories to tell about hardships in life, in love and tough experiences. They are living proofs of bitter sweet life. And during those times, I was busy enjoying school and mastering academics. I was only worried about my exams and projects. Sometimes I still feel that I am a failure, but sometimes I feel I am just starting…and the latter is better.


I know I have so much to discover about life, about myself.


Before I end this entry, let me list down some of the things I have learned so far in the ripe old age of 29…


1 Never stop dreaming. I had wild dreams that came true! This is one of my batteries in life. Whenever I run out of reasons, I just gaze up there in the sky and look for my stars.


2 Love, love, love. Love is free.


3 Enjoy every moment of your life. It is too fast and too short. Slow it down by keeping yourself always excited about tomorrow.



Maybe I’ll just get everyone together for a snack somewhere. I really don’t have plans of throwing any party like I did last year because I am saving my budget for something.


Happy Happy Birthday to all the month of MAY babies, my fellow Taurusians, Taureans, Taurus people, whatever! :D … and everyone else too!


Thanks for all the advanced greetings since last week :)!