Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Comment

I just commented on someone’s blog post a while ago. The topic was about “Equivalent Trade”. It says that:


“People cannot gain anything without sacrificing something. You must present something of equal value in order to gain something.


I learned that this was taken from the anime series, “Full Metal Alchemist”. My comment goes like this:



Hello :)


I haven’t watched FMA so maybe I can not relate to this so-debated principle in context of the movie. But I think I can speak about my own experience in doing sacrifices.


Yes, I agree with you that sometimes even if we give our 100% for something, we still don’t gain anything, even lose everything. That’s very sad… but we still have to live through those sad times. I know how it feels when you give your heart, your time and effort into something that still doesn’t work out. Life sucks at times. I care about someone and still don’t acknowledge it. Those are the things that I just have to live through; nevertheless the sun will shine again, ika nga :D …. I think the ’equivalent trade’ still holds because in exchange for the bad times, we gain fun and learning experiences at the end. Maybe my sacrifices right now will definitely give me good things… later :D.


Oops, I just noticed … this was written almost two years ago! Any sacrifices during those times that you haven’t gain anything until now?


Nice post by the way. 




That’s it.


It is already 12:05am.

I want to go to sleep but I am feeling hungry. Bad trip!

I am craving for hotdog.

My YM buddies are signing off one by one.

The rain is pouring outside.

My brother had his oath taking yesterday .He is already a full pledge Canadian.

Tomorrow, I am cooking Nilagang Baka.

Mag iihaw ako ng mais.


I’m signing off..




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