Friday, January 16, 2009

I So So Hate This Day

I was an hour late to my appointment to meet Yellow.

I was an hour late to work.

I was half an hour late to Krispy Kreme.

I’ll be staying at the office an hour more.


I had set a meeting with him. I was late, of course, and still had a chance to meet up Yellow, fortunately. Oh, Yellow is simple and motivating and exciting, by the way! I check him out fro head to toe and to my excitement to meet him, I almost forgot that I was heading to work. My defective watch added to my trouble, which suddenly stopped at 12:30pm.


I don’t know, maybe because it’s Friday, the traffic was quite an eyes-rolling -head-aching this afternoon that my travel time took me almost 3 hours of my time!

Buying donuts as pasalubong was on my list for today and because I was late to remind myself on time, it’s already 10:30pm. The store closes at 10:00pm.


I hate this day … or should I say, I hate myself today.


  1. me as well I wasn't able to attend a class because of a filipino colleague who's very arrogant about his skills. Puro daldal di na lang gawin kainis!

  2. sana hindi sya yung nakatabig ng kape mo :D
