Friday, January 9, 2009

The New Year and Me


Everything starts at one, and so, on the first month of this New Year… I welcome happy thoughts –- happy thoughts to begin with… ^_^


Our family reunion was a bit disappointing at first because BettyB and her family were not able to make it. Her British passport was not yet released by Queen Elizabeth. ‘Your Highness, you owe me an apology.’ Ooops, happy thoughts! Although they’re not coming, the balikbayan boxes are! Hehehe.


I can see my Kuya is very happy with his wife. Though they were not blessed with child yet, they were blessed with nieces who love them both so much. When he left five years ago, he’s a little bit skinny and now I think he gained muscles on his arms and chest. He’s more good looking right now. They arrived from Canada two days before the New Year’s Eve.


My long preparation for this gathering has already paid off with excitement and happiness to see that my family is complete again (almost). To patch up the disappointment, BettyB always makes phone calls to check the happenings so far. Sometimes she would tell us that she was making her call downstairs, away from Karla, because the little girl was very sad and sometimes crying when she knew that her mom was talking to us. Since day 1 when they decided to come here in the Philippines, Karla was one of the most excited among us about the reunion. Unfortunately, they couldn’t come.


On the night of 30th, the year-end party of my SisDoll’s childhood barkada happened for the 5th year. It was a tradition to them to gather their families to our house and party together. My brother sponsored the prizes for the games and the raffle. NInang Nina won the jackpot of P1000.


New Year’s Eve was the best. It was true for me on that particular moment that when you lose one, you gain more. Our first cousins and second cousins were there, sister-in-laws’ family was there, the family of my brother’s brother-in-law was there. We even had to order party tables and chairs for our guests. The special dance number from JellyPotpot and Jaja, the games and the raffles added to the fun! Our kasambahay, Ailyn won the jackpot price of 20 dollars, a cellphone and an all expense-paid trip to Galera. Hehehe. Others won P500’s, P100’s and P20’s.


We only bought few luisis, popup and baby rockets for the kids and the rest of us just watched the fire display on the sky. We had a nice view outside our gate because there were only few houses built in the subdivision so far. Kuya was embraced by his wife, SisDoll was with CoolJo and Jaja, and I was with JellyPotpot. We were all looking up the sky and shouting every time the sky was lighted by the dancing fires.


The finale was a very solemn prayer led by SisDoll.


Happy New Year everyone!


(Walang pictures kasi nahulog sa dagat yung camera, sira.)



  1. this is also my first time not to join our clan's reunion. haaayyyyssss....

    pero bongga ang prizes nyo ah, trip to galera and cellphone!


  2. Actually we all won the all expense paid trip to Galera courtesy of my brother. hehehe. Kay Ailyn special mention kasi naka-day off sya. I'll blog our Galera trip sa Monday! :D

  3. Actually we all won the all expense paid trip to Galera courtesy of my brother. hehehe. Kay Ailyn special mention kasi naka-day off sya. I'll blog our Galera trip sa Monday! :D

  4. bongga yung family wheel (ano ba tawag don) nyo, dba? naka preserve hehehe
