Sunday, January 3, 2010

The White Tiger


It’s 2010! And according to the Chinese astrology, it is the year of the white tiger which symbolizes a bad year… weh?!


My family’s New Year celebration this year was not as bonggacious as the previous years because this year were no raffle items and there were few games but the difference is that I cooked most of dishes for the first time. Jelly and I were planning what to prepare for our media noche in almost a week. We came up with the a list: leche flan, buko pandan, turon, arroz caldo, fried tofu, fried lumpia, paella, rellenong alimasag, chicken wings.


I started cooking at 9:00am and everything was set at 7:00pm. At 7:30pm, Ninang Nina and I baked chocolate cake! The videoke started after our dinner. I had few songs until I realized my vocal chords were not in the mood to hit the high notes :D We also had a few rounds of Pictionary, of course my team won.


I hate that my camera is not working properly :( I need to buy external flash so I could use it again, hopefully before the next family event. I also hate that Tatay was not around until 11:00pm. He’s out with friends and went home drunk. Anyway, at least he went home before our traditional family prayer before the midnight came.


We welcomed the New Year with sinturon ni hudas, fire crackers and a bunch of luisis! After that, was a dance number prepared by the kids and then I hosted several games for the kids until 3:00am: relays, paper dance, and trip to Jerusalem.


Today is the third day of another 365 days for 2010. I hope this year is even more productive, happier and better for all of us than the last!



Happy New Year!!!


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